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Merging Plugins through MO2


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I'm trying to merge armor mods through MO2 and having this issue that whenever i install the merged armor mod then all my armors that were merged are invisible.They are preset in the game and can equip them as well but they are just invisible. When i checked my merged mod folder then i saw it didn't copy any meshes and textures from original mod into merged folder. How to get it properly working so i can get my merged armors visible.


As i'm using MO2 so i have checked option of Copy General Assets and have left "Extract BSA" is unchecked.


P.S what is limit of plugin to merged btw.I have merged 20 plugins together and can i merge more than that?

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pretty sure there isn't a plugin limit for merges

so you can theoretically go with as many as you wish


as for the assets , don't disable the mods you've merged

not sure if you need to move the assets to the merge folder , I think you can just disable the original plugin and the assets should still work (move the plugin to the optional list and keep the mod active)

if the merged mod comes with BSA archives you'll have to change the BSA to work with the new plugin though . not exactly sure what you need to do in order to make this work , but I'm sure a simple search online will get you a full answer

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MO2 doesn't merge plugins itself, unless I'm mistaken. If you used a merge utility launched through MO2, then the utility failed for some reason. Sounds like the merge didn't finish. I would look for a log. It should have renamed bsa, mesh and texture folders to match the new plugin, or references in the plugin should change to match new file and folder names.

Normally there's no arbitrary limit to the number of plugins. Other factors like ram or disk space may cause it to fail.

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Thanks for reply guys.The problem i found is that i had to enable Extract BSA option as well even though i'm using MO2.That seemed to have solved the meshes issue but now merged armors or weapons are purple. When i looked into merged directory and merge logs,i found that it is only extracting main bsa file and not extracting textures bsa.None of armours textures are present but their main bsa files are there,which i suppose contain their meshes. Can anyone help me why textures bsa are not being extracted by Merge Plugin utility and how to enable as doing it for around 100 mods is too laborious.

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Thanks for reply guys.The problem i found is that i had to enable Extract BSA option as well even though i'm using MO2.That seemed to have solved the meshes issue but now merged armors or weapons are purple. When i looked into merged directory and merge logs,i found that it is only extracting main bsa file and not extracting textures bsa.None of armours textures are present but their main bsa files are there,which i suppose contain their meshes. Can anyone help me why textures bsa are not being extracted by Merge Plugin utility and how to enable as doing it for around 100 mods is too laborious.

I can't answer that because I don't use MO2's option to extract bsa. However I recommend using Bethesda Archive Extractor to extract all selected BSA's at once.

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