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Melee character choices


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I had played for a while when this game came out. Played with an assassin and a mage but never really tried a melee character. With the new dlc I want to give this another shot possibly experiancing something new.

So just wondering, out of your experience, what type of melee is the best? Shield, dual wield or two-hander? Also, can anyone suggest any mods to make the game more realistic, rather than "whoever has more hp wins".

Thanks in advance.

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Well for the melee type I would go for the one-handed sword and a shield. You can replace the sword with a mace, axe, etc..all personal preference. As for the mods to make the fighting more realistic, can't help you with that.


TIP: If you are going to go master with a melee character go with the Orc because of the Daily ability you can use, it can save your life when you need it the most.

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played all styles and for me all of them makes fun.


Certainly no sursprising: If you like blocking take shields (high armorrating, fast, but less damage), for fast attacks dualwield (very fast, good damage, but no blocking) and for huge damage twohanders (very slow, but much damage, block possible but not as good as with shields). In general sword are a little bit faster than axes and axes a little bit faster than maces. You can specialize with perks to one of these three weaponcategories (or install this mod http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/11684 but it makes you with all skills certainly overpowered)


For more realistic you can simply use the difficulty setting ingame, use a overhaul mod (not tested anyone but for example http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/18436), Deadly Dragons http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/3829, or also a little bit harder spawns came from SkyMoMod http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/9694


There are also mods that add needs like eating and sleeping (http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/10639) or mods that reflect the cold of skyrim (http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/11163). Very immersiv are mod that change the lightning to darker nights and dungeons so that you need torches, lightspells, lanterns like Realistic Lighting With Customization http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/7654).


But there is much more to find, have to try out many of them for my myself too...

Edited by Dalter
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