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How exactly do Nicks hack skills work?


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Since days, I try to figure out how Nicks hacking skills exactly work. A long time I thought I knew it, but then I saw that my follower had there a problem and I don't understand why.


I had take a look into Nick and his quests and the only 2 things I could find concerning Nicks hacking skills, are his Hack Keyword "Followers_Command_HackTerminal_Allowed" and a number of lines of him in his affinity quest (favor - refuse tab) but even with a exact rebuild of everything of that, my companion gets stuck behind a password protected terminal.


Nick usually realizes that he can't hack a password protected terminal and moves then back to the player. Where is the condition/script/whatever hiding, why he got not stuck behind a terminal like that, how my companion or other npc's from other mods? That questions drives me more and more crazy.

Edited by taryl80
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The short version. It's all handled by a generic function CommandUnlockAttempt() in FollowerScript on the quest Followers.


When you command any follower to attempt a hack, the Followers quest runs a scene (Command_HackTerminal_Scene). Then depending on the actor that is currently a follower a dialogue will play and then either insta fail if they can't, or call CommandUnlockAttempt() on FollowerScript dice roll for success. I believe it's setup to retry up to 4 times automatically before ultimately failing if all 4 attempts fail. But any follower who is flagged for terminal hack enabled will have the same chance for success. And that is directly proportional to the terminal lock level. The specific logic is this:


int lockLevel = target.GetLockLevel()

int roll = Utility.RandomInt(0, 110)

CommandUnlockSuccess = roll > lockLevel
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Ahh thank you.


I am not sure yet, but I think you have lead me to the right path. Will take me some time, to understand how that exactly works, but I think it is from now on only a matter of time. Wish every day starts like that^^.


Edit: Got it. Have already make 3 testruns in f4 and it finaly runs like intented. Thanks again.

Edited by taryl80
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