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Missing Weapons


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I installed two weapon replacers, one for the 10mm pistol, and one for the combat shotgun. But then I thought that the custom sounds they came with were awful, and uninstalled both again. (all installing and removing was done via NMM.) After that, I found that those two guns were missing entirely from the game, the ones in my inventory were still there, but without textures, so, invisible, if you want to call it that, but no other instance of those weapons could be found anywhere in the game, not even inside that chest in the "coc qasmoke" area.

Raiders, e.g. who were supposed to have either of these weapons now resorted to unarmed melee. (NOT shooting with invisble shotguns.)



So, after some trial and error, that included re-installing the replacers as well as installing different replacers, I went a little overboard and erased everything FO4 related from my system. This includes the game files, all mods, all *.ini files, even savegames, and manually cleaned the registry even, before re-downloading the game from steam.


When I started the game however, both of these weapons were still missing.. Anything? Anyone?


Thanks for reading (and hopefully replying :D) and have a great day.

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