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Problem With Companion Quest "Hired Muscle"


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Okay well I started the campianions guild and got a quest called "Hired Muscle" the quest reads.. ""Severio Pelagio has been causing trouble for someone around Whiterun. I need to rough him up to remind him of his obligations"" so I went out looking for him around whiterun and I couldn't find him so I went outside to all the farms and the Pelagio Farm as well which is his. I didn't know what else to do so I looked online. Other people have had this problem too. Well it turns out the developers decided to make it so if you help stormcloaks take over whiterun before you do the companions guild a catiplult destroys Severio's house and him with it. Making the quest impossible to complete and making your chances to complete the campions guild gone.


To the developers. Fix this please? Like seriously...

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