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Saturn as Moon (Better than current)


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I've seen mods that replace one of the moons in Skyrim by either of our Solar System planets. But quite frankly I've found the one for Saturn a bit disappointing. The rotation of the planet is completely messed up, and it just lacks a bit of fantasy and editing to look beautiful with Skyrim. You can understand that, if you just paste a google image onto Skyrim it doesn't look realistic at all... a good mod would have a dynamic planet with correct rotation.


This is my expectation of what a mod that would add Saturn as "moon" would look like :




Though sadly I have no knowledge in modding and don't know how to do this myself :( so, would anyone give it a try?


If anyone is interested, there is a standalone model of that green Saturn here : http://digitalblasphemy.com/graphics/640x480/thetis640.jpg

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