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Adding money to a chest every 24 hours


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Hello everyone


I am doing a quest that makes you buy a forge from a npc, once you buy it, I want 300 gold to spawn in a chest every 24 hours. I was helping myself from the spouse quest to try to understand the coding but looks like I hit a wall.


What I pretty much did is that on the last stage of my quest, I added alias_mordrin.RegisterForUpdateGameTime(24) mordrin being my chest alias, on the alias I made a forced reference to that chest.


On the alias, I have this script

Event OnUpdateGameTime()

If rpgbsProfit.getstage()==20







But it seems like its not the way the code is suppose to work and I dont really know where to start to search for errors, any help?



Thanks in advance

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Try this


ScriptName ChestQuestAliasScript extends ReferenceAlias

ObjectReference Property gold001 auto

Event OnUpdateGameTime()

       If GetOwningQuest().GetStage() == 20
	self.GetRef().AddItem(gold001, 300)



After adding this script to the chest alias, you'll need to click the properties button, then auto-fill.

Edited by steve40
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Try this


ScriptName ChestQuestAliasScript extends ReferenceAlias

ObjectReference Property gold001 auto

Event OnUpdateGameTime()

       If GetOwningQuest().GetStage() == 20
	self.GetRef().AddItem(gold001, 300)



After adding this script to the chest alias, you'll need to click the properties button, then auto-fill.



It worked! Thank you so much for your help! I was about to give up on this.

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