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Help needed: Please recommend good companions for sex and romance (adu


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It's really not that hard to get a girlfriend. Just chill and be confident. I don't know, maybe it's just girls my age, but I find that it's really easy to get some to like you. If all you want is sex, there are plenty of hookers around.


So yeah. Unless video game whoopie is your thing, why don't you just try outside?

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Companions mostly get in the way and get ticked off at you when you accidentally fill them with arrows, hence my choice to stay far far far far far away from them.


As for the sexual stuff? I agree with the other people. Find a real one. ;3

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Companions mostly get in the way and get ticked off at you when you accidentally fill them with arrows, hence my choice to stay far far far far far away from them.


And in a lot of cases they just generally act dumb by bringing down whole armies on your head if you try to sneak up on the enemy.

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Funny how every time somebody asks anything about sex mods, there is always a reaction around “go get a partner and have sex in real life”


Never saw “get a real sword and go kill people in real life” when somebody asks for a new sword.

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if you really want a follower of good looks look on Divine Avengers CMs they are quite good looking but i will have to agree with the others


Carth Onasi



Thank you for your convenient information gentleman.


...only two questions: Is it possible to perform sexual, erotic and flesh-oriented simulation activities with these companions? Do they support romance-oriented quests and behaviors?

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