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CTD with Vanilla Game and Game FOlder Stuck on Read-Only


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Hi thanks for reading! I have two problems.

My first problem is that I tried to clean my game using the mod "Skyrim Restore" because I wanted to go back to a vanilla game. I think it fixed my game too well. Now my game does not start at all. I run the game from the Launcher and when game window pops up, it skips the Bethesda logo completely, and the Dragonborn emblem thingy shows up but not the menu to begin the game. It stays up for a couple of seconds and I get a CTD. My game was working properly before I used the program. I have no mods installed so I don't have NMM or Mod Organizer.


My second problem is that the Skyrim folder is stuck on Read-Only and it rechecks itself each time I change it back.


It is patched to I tried changing the sound settings, no dice there. I am also running SkyrimLauncher.exe and TESV.exe as an Administrator in compatibility mode. I tried going to the page of the program that I used and it hasn't been touched in a year so I don't think there's any help for me there. There is also no music playing when the Dragonborn emblem shows up.


My specs:

Operating System: Windows 10 Pro 64-bit (10.0, Build 17134) (17134.rs4_release.180410-1804)

Processor: Intel® Core i7 CPU M 620 @ 2.67GHz (4 CPUs), ~2.7GHz
Memory: 8192MB RAM
DirectX Version: DirectX 12



If there's any useful info that I missed, just let me know. Thanks again!

Edited by LethalBetrayal
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