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Custom quest for exising npc doesn't work


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I made custom quest with priority "60" for Mjoll actor but for some reason "DialogueRiften" quest is overriding it. (priority "30") Any ideas why this is happening? Quest itself should be working because it was on custom actor before I moved it to Mjoll.
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Quests can't overwrite each other. Or better, priority is just used for the order in the journal and for the story manager if they are "reserved".


So if the NPC isn't displaying the dialogue, something else is wrong.


Check if the conditions are matching.


Check your aliases. Conditioned aliases will make the quest don't start if they aren't tagged as "optional".


Check if the quest is "start game enabled"


"Startup Stage" isn't for use when you want to display "quest started" ingame. So if you set for example stage 20 as "startup", and the dialogues have stage 0 as condition, they won't display cause you're already at stage 20.


These are the things that usually make the quests not work.

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Check your aliases. Conditioned aliases will make the quest don't start if they aren't tagged as "optional".


That was my problem. I forgot what I added new alias after changing quest's actor and what I made it conditioned. Thanks for help :)

Edited by Megalan
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