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A Simple 9mm Retexture


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Hi. I was wondering if anyone could create a mod that placed a new variation of the 9mm pistol into the game, preferably somewhere in Goodsprings.

I have the textures that I want used for the guns and I would either email them or post links to them on an image hosting site. I'd also like if its stats were slightly increased (nothing major; around the stats of Maria would be good).


Assuming that posting links to third party image hosting sites isn't against the rules. I read over them and didn't see anything specifically against that, but I might of overlooked it. If not, I could simply upload them on the nexus, I suppose. I just wasn't sure if it compressed the files or not.

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Yeah, I have them. And I'd be really appreciative if you could do it for me. I'm sure it's probably not too hard, but modding isn't something I really want to get into. I mean, I'd like to, but that kind of technical stuff just isn't my forte.


But anyways, if you want to attempt it, would you like me to upload the images to photobucket?

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I was just planning on using the same mesh as Maria. I do have the actual textures. I have them saved as both .dds and .png. I don't think I can upload them as .dds though, so I uploaded the .pngs.


Here they are:


First person


First person normal map


Third person


Third person normal map


Third person height map(? I think that's what it is...Maria's is 9mmunique_m, for example)

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ok, the way i learned was by turning a popular replacer mod into a standalone (for personal use, and there were only a few of them). basically, what im doing is going in the weapons section of the geck and opening a similar weapon, in your case, maria (i used the 9mm smg b/c it had the animations set to what i would need). then i change the id of the gun and the geck offers to save it as a new form(weapon). so i open my new form/weapon and i start changing things; the name, a few stats, ammo type ect. when it comes time to change the apperance of the weapon comes the only real work. in the model section, i go to the first option and click edit, then edit again and it opens a file browser. this is like, the big step. find the desired model amongst the jungle of folders and your good to go, save it and throw it in goodsprings.


the last step is where im getting messed up, when i made my mod, i just found the model for the weapon, and used it-i didnt mess with and therfore unfortunately know nothing about all the different models-when i did it, there was only one option to select.....i left the first person model set to the "none" option and the world model not set to anything and it worked fine for me in game-had the 1st/3rd/iron sights/and world models without defining them


and besides that, im not sure what "model" is refering to but it has me looking for .nif files....im not sure what to do with .dds files.....i tried renaming your "first person.png" file into a .nif thinking just maybe it would work (and of course it didnt) thinking the geck would be able to open it but it didnt work...im thinking we need some help from someone else :) ill keep messing with it of course.


but you are a step ahead, you have the models, unless theres scripting involved, new models are the hard part of new mods. but anyway could you email the files (dds, nif, whatever you have) to me? also they look good, did you make them? and with what program, because i requested a mod for some ipsc stuff and i didnt get any takers, so im trying to make it myself, i have blender and nifskope but idk how to use them XD


my email is [email protected]

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.dds is the format Fallout uses for textures. At least that's what they come packed as in the .bsa (the main files labelled under Textures and Textures2 in the data folder).

I have absolutely no experience with the GECK but what format are the textures? .nif? Because if so, I might potentially be able to convert them to whatever it need be.


I actually didn't make the textures from scratch. I took the regular 9mm and played around with the some of the lighting and added a hue to it. The vinyls are just Maria's but black. For some reason I like the look of it a lot better when it looks painted on rather than engraved... Thanks for the compliment on it, though. lol

Oh, and I used Photoshop Elements 6.0. It's actually a pretty old version.

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Oh, and I used Photoshop Elements 6.0. It's actually a pretty old version.

well since i have cs5......

and also im not sure what .nif 's are, its what the geck uses in the "model" section, this is why im hoping someone else will weigh in on this conversation. since i did not need to define the world model or first person model when i was making my personal mod- it almost seems like the .nif file is a mashup of the 1st/3rd/world .dds files. i dont know anything about modeling or textures, the only expeirience i have with them is in solidworks, which has its own file type..and isnt really geared toward video game objects...

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Ah. Well, alas, I figured out how to get this to work. I cheated, though. lol


Basically, I just downloaded a mod that retextured Maria and then replaced it's .dds files with my own. Simple enough. And it worked.


Thanks for your help, though.

Edited by S41NT
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