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Entering the college of winterhold crashes my game


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Okay,so im a pretty big noob when it comes to modding so i dont know anything about organizing load order,what is compatible with what and that stuff.Also dont know if i should post this here but again im a noob so i hope u guys dont mind if i posted this in the wrong place.

So basically the problem is like i stated in the title,wheneve i try to enter the place where u take ur first class in the college the game crashes.I will write down all of the mods im using so if u guys know what might be causing it,or if there are some other mods that might be colliding i hope u can help me out and sorry for being such a noob.




apachii divinine elegance store

50 more perk points


rich merchants of skyrim

better loot

weightless dragon bones

unleveled items

fast leveling lite

perk points bonus at levels 50-75-100

star triple gold



unlimited amulets and rings

better helgen start

increased enemy count

lux noctis katanas

marry me serana

fast travel to cities from the start

get no dead followers

standing stones better bonuses

seranaholic with the valerica overhaul aswell

xpmse (xp32 maximum skeleton special extended)

racemenu morphs cbbe calientes beautiful bodies enhancer

r246 female presets

northgirl amor

sotteta necromancer armor

emfy cleric robes

the eyes of beauty

eyes of aber

ks hairdos sse

hoods with hairs

relationship dialogue overhaul

leveled vampire drain

items of power

apocalypse magic of skyrim

full magic scaling

grass fps booster

better vampire lord transformation

tls fps ultimate



racemenu plugin

bijin npcs

bijin warmaidens

bijin wives


men of winter

volkihar knight armor

alternate start

loks eyes


hubert follower

apachii divine elegance store (shows a second one dunno if that is also bad)

house map markers

map markers completed

samurai soul weapon

run for your lives

faster skill leveling

merta assasin armor

tembtra thief armor

thieves guild bounty clearer

pickpocketing forever

dark brotherhood enchantments improved

ace bloody magic

magically mine

Richer pockets

females of the dark brotherhood

dark brotherhood rewards

pickpocket 100 percent cap

training dummies and targets special edition



Those are all that im currently using im sorry for this long list and being a noob not being able to figure things out on my own and thanks a lot to anyone who has the patience to help me out with this.And i dont know about any other buildings but the college of winterhold is a sure crash for me.




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Ok so tried 2 other buildings in windhelm got crashed and when i wanted to fast travel to another place to check if theres a problem in other places it also got crashed just from fast traveling (whiterun).I hope someone can give me insight into what is going on and how to fix it and i cant stress enough how sorry i am for being a major noob that cant figure it out on my own.

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