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Type3/Type6 Ranger Patrol Armor?


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I meant the part of the body where the legs and hips turn. (Pelvic? :blink: )

Google has been mistranslated. :laugh:

Sorry The texture I'm going to watch once.


ah the groin region. by deep do you mean to low to the ground?


Ich spreche Deutsch, wenn es das ist einfacher.

Ich bin nicht sicher, was Sie unter "schau dir eine Textur einmal"

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ah the groin region. by deep do you mean to low to the ground?

Ja genau,


Ich meine "ich sehe mir die Texture mal an"


So brauchen Sie es in ein anderes Format?

Ich kann es zu PNG, oder zu gimp Default-Datei.

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yep its just a .nif file and uses the vanile textures ill get it up in a sec.


as far as the boots go, i made them in two parts




if you noticed the top part of the boot curves out ward. thats the part.

or you could retexture the whole boot, up too you ^^

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