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How to add custom hair and eyes to custom follower


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I am looking for a tutorial that will show me how to add custom hair and eyes to my followers that i have created. I have not been able to find any. If someone would be kind enough to point me in the right direction or give me a link to a tutorial i would really appreciate it. Thx.
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You need the hair and eye esm files loaded as masters then when you edit the NPC. those options will be available with the vanilla options and changed the same way as vanilla.


Add bAllowMultipleMasterLoads=1 under [General] in SkyrimEditor.ini in your /Skyrim folder.


Once you do that, check the 2 esm files and your NPC mod, make your NPC mod active and open the CK. Edit the NPC's save and check it ingame.


The 2 esm files will be required to use the mod. remove either esm and you will get to enjoy a CTD.


For not using a master file for other mods or armor and weapons here's a tutorial. (Not recommended for hair and face packs though)



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You need the hair and eye esm files loaded as masters then when you edit the NPC. those options will be available with the vanilla options and changed the same way as vanilla.


Add bAllowMultipleMasterLoads=1 under [General] in SkyrimEditor.ini in your /Skyrim folder.


Once you do that, check the 2 esm files and your NPC mod, make your NPC mod active and open the CK. Edit the NPC's save and check it ingame.


The 2 esm files will be required to use the mod. remove either esm and you will get to enjoy a CTD.


For not using a master file for other mods or armor and weapons here's a tutorial. (Not recommended for hair and face packs though)




Thank u very much for your help.

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Not a problem, and really everyone just says "make it a master" but that just leaves a 1 word question... "HOW?" lol. Making an esm or esp a master should be in the tutorials as well as my tutorial on using assets from 1 and not as a master but still requiring it to be installed first. Basic mod knowledge with no tutorials for beginners makes for beginners without a clue...


Anyway, happy modding.

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