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Request: Chain-whip/Sword Weapon


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Oblivion doesn't support havoc physics on equipted weapons = the chain link could only be static, which would look extremely awkward at best.


Different attack animations would be required as well, oblivion only supports one animation for each weapon type. This means that all other weapons of the same type would have the same animation.


Which isn't a problem if you want to crack all longswords like a whip ;D.


That's the long version, the short version is: "No."

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That make me think of something: would it b possible to add your own weapon class ex swords r blade, axes r blunt, whip could b well whip and since it'd b the only one it wouldn't effect any other weapon at all (theoretically). just a thought though im just beginning to learn to mod/model/texture and i don't know if its possible, though it should b.
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You're thinking too highly of reverse engeneering, it's not a cure-all.


And programing the engine from scratch is as much of a strech as reverse engeneering the original file. The last similar project I saw was homam3, the guys've been at it for 4 or so years now. Lol they finaly managed to program battles although you can't kill anything in them hehehe.


Nothing short of a divine intervention or Bethesda releasing a patch that would loosen theese chains (both have the same probabilty) can help us here. I know that I shouldn't rant so much about how Beth missed an opoturnity of grand proportions by hardcoding everything because Oblivion IS a great game. It's just that I get sentimental when I imagine how much greater the game could've been if they added the possibilities for an atleast 6 players multiplayer, custom animations to everything, custom spells, spell effects and abilities, attack/damage modifiers etc...

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