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Request: Chain-whip/Sword Weapon


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You're thinking too highly of reverse engeneering, it's not a cure-all.


And programing the engine from scratch is as much of a strech as reverse engeneering the original file. The last similar project I saw was homam3, the guys've been at it for 4 or so years now. Lol they finaly managed to program battles although you can't kill anything in them hehehe.


Nothing short of a divine intervention or Bethesda releasing a patch that would loosen theese chains (both have the same probabilty) can help us here. I know that I shouldn't rant so much about how Beth missed an opoturnity of grand proportions by hardcoding everything because Oblivion IS a great game. It's just that I get sentimental when I imagine how much greater the game could've been if they added the possibilities for an atleast 6 players multiplayer, custom animations to everything, custom spells, spell effects and abilities, attack/damage modifiers etc...

Well i say all we can hope is the the people at beth get the message and make it as you said in TES 5

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