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NCR Ranger Helmet Split


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For starters, the headgear in FNV is disappointing, with one "almost' exception: the Ranger Helmet. It's not quite entirely an exception due to the silly round helmet attached to the beautiful visor-and-gas-mask set.

That being said, I'm looking for a (hopefully) simple modification to the regular NCR Ranger Helmet, to remove the rounded helmet from the facemask (the red visor+gas mask), essentially making the helmet-ensemble into just a mask, allowing for visible hair.

I'd do it myself, but I have no experience with any 3D editing software >.>;

Although, if anyone can point me in the right direction toward learning how to do this one thing though, I'd appreciate that as well; I think it involves something with Blender and Nifskope, but the names are about all I know about those programs.


Thank you for your time!

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