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Will These Mods Cause Major Conflicts? (Detailed Info)


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Hi, If someone could please overlook this for me and tell me if this will cause bugs that affect quests or anything else I'd appreciate it :happy:


I used a bright blue text next to the info to describe what they do in case no one knows these.





I used BOSS and this is what it told me:


−Recognised And Re-ordered Plugins

Skyrim.esm Active

Update.esm Active

CLARALUX - More and Brighter Lights.esm Active<<< Just adds more light sources along roads and places

moonpath.esm Active <<< Part of "Moonpath to Elsweyr"

Whistle.esp Active<<< Shout that calls your horse

moonpath_questdata.esp Active <<< Part of "Moonpath to Elsweyr"

Better Dynamic Snow.esp Active <<< Does what it says

faster vanilla horses.esp Active <<< Increases horse speeds and stamina by 30%

HorsesGoneWild.esp Active <<< Creates a few non-ridable horse herds (vanilla horses) throughout Skyrim

FollowerWander2.esp Active <<< Followers can be told to "relax" in a location (will use unowned beds, cook etc)

Spousetocustomhome.esp Active <<< Creates a shout that designates a home for your spouse

WATER.esp Active <<< Better water effects and textures

WATER - Get Wet.esp Active <<< Your player actually gets wet from water/rain

−Unrecognised Plugins

Reorder these by hand using your favourite mod ordering utility.

riversidelodgesws.esp Active <<< Custom player house "Riverside Lodge" between Riverview and Whiterun road

invinciblehorses.esp Active <<< Horses cannot die/be injured including Frost and Shadowmere

Twili's 2x tougher Dragons.esp Active <<< Vanilla dragons who still level with player but are 2x's tougher

UndyingCompanions.esp Active <<< All companions (including Meeko and Vigilance) are "essential"




These are the ones not included in BOSS (almost all recolor/retexture):




A Quality World Map-With Roads


Bellyaches Animal and Creature Pack (recolors) <<< Default color replacements for the creature/animals

Enhanced Distant Terrain


Enhanced Night


That's Ice <<< Makes ice look real


High Quality Eyes <<< Skyrim eyes are now more defined and vibrant


KenMOD Lockpick Pro <<< Creates a "soft spot" bar that shows when it will unlock without breakage


Lush Grass and Trees


Flora Overhaul


Skyrim Sunglare <<< Sun now glares through the clouds


Organic Elemental Dragons (recolor) <<< The Frost, Earth, and Swamp dragon have 3 distinct recolors


Slof's Horse Retex <<< Horse eyes are shinier/more realistic as well as body


Vibrant Auroras <<< Auroras are more vibrant in sky





I ask this because I had accepted the "Golden Claw" quest as well as the "Bleak falls Barrow" quest and the claw would not unlock the door despite having the right combination which lead to console command after command until I got to Dragonsreach where the mage would not take the Dragonstone and etcetera, thus making the main quest pretty much glitched beyond repair. :(


Since I do not know what was the issue I figured I'd post this to see if it was any of these or some weird glitch that never would fix itself.

*Note* I did take out the "Skyrim Monster Mod" and the "Deadly Dragons Mod" after my game became glitched. In BOSS prior to deletion they said something about bash tags in orange.

Edited by AdventureGirl
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