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"You were trying to cross the border."


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I can't stand how every single elderscrolls game starts off with the PC in jail or in trouble.


Though, I kinda like how you are always implied to be there accidentally. In Oblivion, it was like:


Blades: The hell? Why is there a prisoner in this cell? It's supposed to be empty!

PC: Does that mean you'll let me go?

Blades: Whatever.

PC: Booya! XD


In Skyrim:


Hadvar: The hell? This one isn't on the list.

Imperial Officer: Whatever.

PC: Boo...

Imperial Officer: Kill'em anyway.


Edited by Relativelybest
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I've always felt that


1a) Darkwater Crossing was originally supposed to be closer to the Cyrodiil border, but got moved for some reason, or

1b) the writer for Ralof's dialog made that part up without realizing they were naming a place nowhere near a border, or

1c) the writer simply mixed up Darkwater Crossing with Pale Pass and nobody noticed in time.


2) Tullius intended to bring Ulfric to the Imperial City, but got word the Thalmor was trying to intervene, so he changed directions to the nearest executioners block (which happened to be in Helgen) to get it over with before someone above his pay grade confiscated his prisoner. Some of Tullius' dialog makes it clear he doesn't trust the Thalmor and realizes they're encouraging Ulfric's rebellion to keep the empire distracted.

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