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Hermaeus Mora tentacle armor & Tentacle spell & ability/abilities mod request


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I like Hermaeus Mora very much, especially the tentacles. So I want to have a armor that has a theme about Hermaeus Mora's tentacles,but I search it up on the Nexus,the only thing I found related is this: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/58062/ . It's a skimpy female armor mod... And I don't like skimpy armors,I'm a true role playing player,I create a character that I want to become. Like a Manly man(NO HOMO) so I want a REAL armor mod.It may looks like the Carnage symbiote suit from Marvel or as a basic design with tentacles covered on muscle lines and flowing effect on every tentacles and tentacle explosion enchantment(but I don't really like this enchantment,we'll talk about this later) and increase health,stamina or resistances.


And about the tentacle spell, you must be thinking: Aren't this kind of mods already exist? Yes I know, but I want different stuff, not like those kind of projectile tentacles, I want one tentacle that do things like whipping or pulling I think the model will be like the tentacle that whips you if you get too close from the edge in Apocrypha.

And the "ability' I mean tentacle explosion I want to make this into an ability with a longer range because the original tentacle explosion is kinda buggy,that if you ran into some objects and they glitch on you,

the tentacle explosion will be trigger, so I want to make it into an ability.

With these two stuffs combine together, the spell will become the effects on the armor like Ahzidal's ring of acana.






Hope you guys can make this out,GLHF.

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