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a few of my girl's pictures


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ganpalftw, emm, "приветствуют"? o_O

For instance, here is the translation of your signature....

Interesting still thing - siskofaktor... In order to it provalilsya. Interesting still thing - siskofaktor... In order to it provalilsya. Interesting still thing - siskofaktor... In order to it provalilsya.

Not a perfect program but it helps...

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Ah,i was hoping i was saying welcome,was i?

Well, you did... in 3-rd person and plural. Actually it was "(They) greet you". And I know what my signature means, thank you.




;D Your translator doesn't get the humor of it. Ironically, that phrase fits those pictures really well :)

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Ah,i was hoping i was saying welcome,was i?

Well, you did... in 3-rd person and plural. Actually it was "(They) greet you". And I know what my signature means, thank you.

I wasn't trying to tell you what your signature meant.Just showing an example of how the program isn't always accurate.I meant no harm.

Peace to you.

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