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1. A turret spell: Summon a rune or a stationary summoned creature/crystal that will constantly fire at enemies. Kind of like the Flame Atronach except stationary. (Got the idea from the Engineer class from TF2 or from Mass Effect 3 where you can set up turrets).


2. A spell that can charge up soul gems with your own power. Like you can charge grand soul gems but it costs a lot of magic, drains HP, or gives you a negative status effect that you'd have to heal later. Basically a way to create magic items without resorting to murder or using cheats.


3. Spell Tomes don't crumble to dust once you use them and there is a way to craft your own. I can't imagine what it must be like for wizards out there to write all those books (without a printing press) and have their work disintegrate the moment anyone reads it. Crafting a tome requires some kind of ink, fresh pages, and knowing the spell in question.


4. A secret cave somewhere accessible only by going underwater. Band of argonians make the place theirs.


5. Aquarium or fish farm where you can raise fish by placing them in the water and then dumping in various food items as well (basically converting random food into fish).


6. A pet or follower that you can give your items or junk to and have them run off and store them in a special storage spot and then return to you again (kind of like the pets in Torchlight).


7. After clearing out certain caves or mines with ore in them, you can go to a Miners Guild and hire people to mine the ore for you. Depending on how much you invest in them or the location then you can make a profit or just get a steady supply of that ore.


Or you can meet up with NPCs who are thinking of starting a mining operation, they ask you to clear out those mining locations and invest in their business (give gold, armor, tools or equipment, round up some recruits, or offer your services as a Smith and turn their dug up ore into requested items). If you help them out enough then you get a steady supply of ore or money.


8. A necromancy spell where you zap a corpse and make it run all the way back to some specified lair where it collapses intact. Produces a big pile of corpses for later necromancy experiments (or sell them to necromancers) and the corpses carry all their equipment with them so you don't have to. Sort of like the Mesmatron in Fallout 3 where you can enslave enemies and get paid for it. Alternatly, make it an actual illusion spell used by slavers and you capture slaves for them. Repeated use results in a bounty put on you or hitmen go after you for dabbling in necromancy or slavery (or selling people to vampires depending on who's giving you the spell).


9. Plant trees, craft woodsman axes, and donate money or direct people to the Woodsmans Guild. I know in Whiterun you can make money by cutting firewood and there are so many beggers around that could potentially be making money by cutting wood. If you help out the Woodsmans Guild then they pay you money, give you plenty of firewood, give you arrows, or maybe build houses for you. Also, they could have various quests like the one where you bring that lady bear pelts because the bears ruin the trees, you hunt dangerous animals or Spriggins, or plant trees in various places so that the trees will be grown up for lumber a few years down the road.


10. Soulhunters Guild. A group of hunters or mercs or whatever who use Soul Binding weapons to fill up soul gems. Help them out and get filled soul gems (or a steady supply of empty soul gems or black soul gems to fill).




Also with the "donating to guards" thing. It would be nice to donate various equipment, food, potions, or just random junk to organizations like the guards or the Skyrim version of Goodwill or the Salvation Army. You collect all this stuff and it shouldn't necessarily all be used up by you or get sold to merchants. You can instead give all of it to some sort of donation where its used to outfit recruits or feed the poor or whatnot. Then you get reputation based on how much stuff you've donated.


Maybe it keeps track of the value of the stuff you donate and after awhile they give you 'prizes' like a new house (which you can use or donate to help the poor). Or people will approach you and give you things like health potions, food, or arrows to show their gratitude (which you can donate back as usual). Or you get better deals from merchants or potential followers.

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I've always wanted to control my very own Skyrim stronghold.


It would be really cool if you were giving a quest to find an abandon fort and make it your very stronghold/fort/lair.


If you had to collect diffident materials suck as wood from chopping, steel, and other basic materials to build/buy walls, buildings, (working catapults, mounted harpoon and crossbows?), and encourage blacksmiths/traders/bakers to come and set up there small shops and as you progress they get bigger and bigger and more lucrative for you (because of tax).


If the mod author could also put a option to buy certain guards and mercenaries to protect you and your fort. In many races and organisations such as Orc,imperial,storm cloak, dark brotherhood, thieves guild, vampire, mage, daedric and regular (maybe even werewolf?[please if its possible make it compatible with as many mods as you can such as tale of lycanthropy) These npc could be paid to eather "hold the fort" or even follow you on your adventures as companions (if so please integrate with UFO).


Npc could be put into categories for sell like: tank(twohanded/heavyarmor), ranger/bowman (light armor/bows/soon to be crossbows/and maybe even mounted harpoon and crossbows), Rider (on diffident assortments of horses[depending on fraction], with mounted combat) knight (light-heavy armor, two handed), mage (light robes,staffs and magic).


These npc could have diffident weapons depending on the fraction. So you could control your very own private army.


The stronghold itself could maybe have more options for the specific fraction you have chosen, Such as a torture chamber for dark brother hood players, a den for werewolfs,longhouse and mine for Orc players, and so on.


Even flags for special fractions. If the mod author could be so generousness to even make a tutorial for noobs about customization of there "private army" with different textures/weapons/gear/markings, show how to make custom flags, and custom buildings that could be transferred into the mod that would be greatly appreciated. please stick to lore as much as possible, make it as real as you can, and personalization is something i think everyone likes.


good luck and thank you for reading. please comment if you like or any ideas at all?

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I suggest a mod to remove all the pre-lit torches that make no sense. Caves where there are no intelligent creatures shouldn't have pre-lit torches. Why would a cave full of animals have torches? For that matter why would a bunch of skeletons light torches? For the sake of realism some of these places should REQUIRE me to light a torch or activate a light spell of some kind.


If there is already a mod that does this I have not been able to find it.

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Well Rossum, i want to get your ideas in an actual mod, so that will be my HUGEASS mod, MarksBlood1, Ive already begun doing that, im just trying to make random events such as a bandit attack possible, Mydah42, thats hard to do because many caves have animals in one situation but a quest will cause people to spawn in it. Brasiliano, they are already ready!
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Something dumb, but something I want is maybe just like equip-able pants that don't take up a spot. Hate finding a great armor mod but hating the fact that my dude's leg shows up to the thigh. Not really a huge awesome idea, but personally I would love the aesthetic quality it would give
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oh forgot to place ideas.

1. the ability to command whole troops like in the storm cloak quest you get promoted to commander or something but still have to take ordersand do no actuall ordering yourself. was very annoying.

2. a robotic horse. i personaly watch a lot of anime and my favorite type is steam punk so when skyrim came out and it showed all the dwemer stuff i freaked out. however no matter how may robots for defending and attacking moving stuff around and being generaly annoying they for some reason had no transport. so this would be where the steam horse could come in. it could instead of having the cool down time when sprinting just have it refuel and when it is full unlimited sprint.

3. a thalmor war. at the end of the storm cloak quest the stormcloaks head honcho (can't remeber his name) goes on about the fact that they should worry about the thalmor attacking skyrim now the imperials are gone. BUT NOTHING HAPPENS. so if you could create that it ould be great.

4. the return of the dwemer. i know it would be incredibly difficult but skyrim and other elder scrolls almost always have something about the dwarves and the dwemer. i would love these guys to return but if you do try returning the dwemer plz don't just make them short versions of normal people wearing dwarven armour other people do it but it just doesn't feel right.


so if you could do this i would officialy declare you the god of modding and present the medal personaly.thx fr ur time


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by the way Mydah42 just recently a lord of the rings made came out that requires you to carry a torch in to a abyss beneath skyrim. i think it is from the final film but it is were they have to go talk to the ghost guys and recruit them for the final battle. there are no torchs at all down there so enjoy :D
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