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Can I install Hearthfires and then ignore it completely?`


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Just getting back into Skryim after a couple years of playing other stuff. I never did get Hearthfires, as there's absolutely nothing about it that I want in my game. But now there's so many tasty looking mods (not to mention USLEEP) that require it that I'm thinking of finally snagging that DLC when I start a new game.


Any reason why I couldn't simply ignore its content?

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there is just one part of the DLC that you can't really ignore , and that's a letter you will get via a courier , sending you to talk to one of the jarls

that's about as far as I got with the DLC , just like you I never found any reason to play this , but it is needed for a lot of great mods


so you can't really ignore this letter (and it will add a misc quest to talk to the jarl)

but other than this you can ignore everything else

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Hey, Kevkiev. There really is no need to build any of the Hearthfire houses or even do the Jarl's quests, although the quests themselves are painless. The couriers are easier on your time than Preston Garvey.


The reward house from Dawnstar does come in handy as a convenient place to spend the night.

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Lol, when I (some day) go back to FO4 and start a new game, I'm probably going to leave Preston in the Museum. I absolutely loathe that character. I'm currently milking my level 100+ Skyrim character with the, fantastic, Skyrim Underground mod but I think I'll start a new game relatively soon with the Hearthfires DLC.


The only thing that makes me a bit reluctant is that my favourite Breezehome mod (Breezehome Basement Redux) isn't compatible with Hearthfires, and my favourite Proudspire mod (Proudspire Manor Refurbished) has been hidden. I think the Proudspire one had a hearthfires version but... oh well.

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Elianora's Breezehome would be an excellent replacement.


Thanks, I saw that mod and can certainly appreciate why it's so popular. And, with Elianora, you know it's going to be top quality. For whatever reason though, I've always liked Breezehome to be on the simple side. The Breezehome Basement Redux mod was perfect for me, as it just added a bit more storage in the alchemy room and a small basement with all crafting stuff (except a smelter), nicely adequate extra storage and some elegantly simple decorations.


Current plan is to try my hand at firing up the CK to see if I can figure out how to make the Redux mod HF-compatible. If not (the CK is not exactly my forte) I'll start considering replacements. Who knows, maybe I'll end up with the Elianora version. Knowing it was made with elite-level modding skills is pretty persuasive.

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I love Elianora's work but Breezehome fully upgradable has always been more my style.

Breezehome Fully Upgradeable indeed looks pretty good, since it looks like I could just get the upgrades to add a full smithy + a bit of extra storage and still keep the place simple & cozy. Haven't totally given up my plans to work on the Breezehome Redux mod tho.

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