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Why do some mods not show up when searching? (and really great ones too)


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I happened upon this mod from a reddit thread rather than by searching. I tried to find it via searching when I noticed this, and nothing! Now I'd like to think I did some due diligence before making this post. I dont have any silly filters on - I've hit clear filters repeatedly. I believe I ran into this with the couple of other mods too. I searched with all attributes checked (on) except:


NMM compatible

Show Only Adult Files

Has Images


Even if I hit clear filters, I get the following when searching SkyrimSE mods on nexus:


Found 12954 results. 831 have been filtered out. Currently filtering by: blocked tags and authors.


Why are 831 search results still filtered if I've said clear all filters? Also my tags and authors fields are blank - so nothing should be blocked....?


Is there any reason why some of these mods are not showing up? No filters, sorting by downloads (and this has a ton - 500k+) - and I yet I had to find this by chance. What other great mods am I missing?

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