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Many Npc Issues


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since skyrim 1.6 has come out, ive been having issues with a lot of the AI in the game.

The two biggest ones that have bothered me the most are the fact that my followers don't attack anymore. another is that when enemies attack me, they get in like 8-12 hits per swing animation and it kills me instantly.

this coupled with the mouse stuttering, cell load issues and mounts/mounted combat issues... well im pretty much pulling my hair out at this point.


is any of this fixable currently?

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I had that problem with melee weapons delivering far too many hits per swing when I was using an old version of FNIS. If you are using that, or any other mods that alter behavior files, that could possibly be the source of that problem. Beyond that, I don't know of any other possible solutions.


Perhaps you could post a list of any mods you are using, so that others would have more information to help you.

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