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Custom Dark Elf Race


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I've been messing around with the ck, trying to create a duplicate of the dark elf race with altered racial abilities but it's giving me a lot more trouble than I had anticipated.

Even trying to create an exact duplicate, with only the race name and description changed, causes my body to become invisible.

I'm an absolute beginner with scripting and a novice with the ck, so what I want to try may be a little out of my reach.


Basically I want to duplicate the dark elf race, rename it as 'Witch Elf' and add the following racial abilities:

Active - Same effect as the time slow shout, with a 20 second duration.

Passive - Constantly has the 'concentrated poisons' perk but lasting 5 hits rather than 2.


It would be hugely appreciated if anyone could give this a go.

Also any good tutorials on the subject would be appreciated because I couldn't find any.



Edit: Got the body displaying properly so I thought I would post the esp with the 'witch elf race' as a place to start from >>> DL Link

Edited by Squizzo
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