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Creation Kit not saving properly?


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Hello fellow modders!


I've been working on a mod for 6 months now and today I wanted to change some parts after the Creation Kit Update. After i saved my Mod and wanted to test the changes, i noticed that the handes of the player aren't shown in first person anymore. I already tried an older version of my mod that was made before the Creation Kit Update from today, and the hands were rendered again. But when I saved it with the Creation Kit afterwards without changing anything, the hands were gone again.

I really don't want to have to discard my mod because I already have put multiple hundreds of hours into it (my expression when i first noticed it: :wallbash: ) , so is there anyone else with a similiar problem? Any comments from Bethesda as this is clearly a bug they created with the new update? Or am i completly wrong? Please, comment! I need to know if this happening to anyone else!!!

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This happened to me as well, and this is how you fix it...


1. Open the esp in question with the creation kit and find the custom armor pieces that are showing up invisible and with 0 armor rating.

2. Double click or right click and edit one of them, you will notice beside the weight value the armor type has been deselected. Select one of the options Light, Heavy, None. You will also notice under the Biped Object Menu the equipped area has been deselected (should be highlighted blue). Select the appropriate slot and hit OK.

3. Repeat this process with all armor pieces not appearing in game.

4. Save.

5. Enable your mod and Reload Skyrim.

6. Enjoy.

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  • 5 months later...

I know this is an old topic and I was having a similar problem with the hands not showing up in first person view.


Since I found out why after looking through and comparing the files with TESVEdit. I see that the creation kit omits the body parts when editing or creating a race. Since I did not find the answer anywhere I decided to put it here to hopefully help out someone who is having a similar problem.


I changed my file with TESVEdit and they worked just fine. So I went back into the Creation kit and tried looking for the same information to change and I found it. Here are the steps to get your hands to show back up in the creation kit.


Simply open up your race in the creation kit.


select the body tab


In the "First Person" column click to highlight the following.

Body, hands, forearms, ring, shield, and FX01 at the bottom.


As you click on them they will get highlighted. Then simply hit ok, save your file and start your game. Now your hands and everything that goes with them should be visible again in first person view.


P.S. Just in case you are curious I am on 1.8 skyrim and creation kit, with Dawnguard and Hearthfires installed.

Edited by joeb2000
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