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Random lags and hold ups


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Hello all,


For the past month or so I have been having a problem with random patches of freezing. It normally happens after a load screen, I will attempt to move the camera/my character, the camera will jerk an amount, the freeze, this lasts for about 15 seconds and I will begin moving again, only to freeze once more, after that I usually have no problems, on occasion this will happen to a lesser degree whilst running through town/across the land.


I have no idea what is causing this :/


Computer specs:


Win 7

AMD Phenom II 3 core 3.5 Ghz

Radeon 7750 HD 1.5 Gb gpu

8 Gig (2 4GB sticks) DDR3 ram

I(if you need anything else, please ask)




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Are you using mods? In particular, are you using mods that require SKSE? Edited by Mofakin
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I've experienced that myself with mods that added hotkeys via SKSE code. I also get it when using particular wildlife mods that add new spawn points and/or packages.


It's a CPU related problem. The mod causing the trouble for me, besides my own one, was SkyTest.

Edited by Mofakin
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I've experienced that myself with mods that added hotkeys via SKSE code. I also get it when using particular wildlife mods that add new spawn points and/or packages.


It's a CPU related problem. The mod causing the trouble for me, besides my own one, was SkyTest.

You think my CPU could be bottle necking performance?


As for added spawn points could some sort of player-home with npc's(specifically Black Sacrament Tower) be causing it?

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I can't help you bro, as I do not have a clue what could cause this.


What I ment was that there are mods that bottleneck your CPU.


Could you post your mod list?

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I can't help you bro, as I do not have a clue what could cause this.


What I ment was that there are mods that bottleneck your CPU.


Could you post your mod list?

I see, sorry for the confusion


Mod list:


Apachii SkyHair

Bandolier- bags and pouches

Better Females by Bella

Black Tower and Black Sacrament Armor

Bowlegged jump fix

Cloaks of Skyrim

Creepy Dungeons

Dragonbone weapons

Dual sheath/shield on back

HD texture fix

High quality eyes

interior and dungeon fog remover

Killable children

Maxi Armor by Hentai

Milenia weapon re texture

New animation for running with bow

no spinning death animation

pet polar bear Oslo

Rifter armor

realistic smoke and embers

revamped exterior fog

Skyrim pets

sun and cloud textures

Dance of Death

REAL Fus Ro Dah




XCE Xenius Character enhancement

Zazemels Drow Race

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It sounds either like a CPU or PSU issue rather than mods affecting your performance.


Also update your drivers to beta versions, if you ain't already.

Sorry, but which drivers do you mean.


I have not heard of any 'beta version' drivers for my GPU, CPU, ect.

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