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Followers AI improvement (class based AI packages)


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Anyone can make MOD which will make your followers act smarter then they do with default AI?


I mean some AI packages which are applied to your followers (one at a time) which improve their combat behavior?

1. MAGE FOLLOWERS which currently tend to over-use ward or armor spells instead actually healing themselves and keeping distance to target

2. MIXED COMBAT and MAGIC FOLLOWERS (like Bartrand) - use dual weapons or weapon/attack spell when health is OK, then switch to weapon/healing spell or attack spell/healing spell when health is low then go back to dual weapon or weapon/attack spell once they have healed themselves.


I partially managed to get needed behavior from AWESOME COMPANIONS TWEAKS (it allows to choose combat style for companions (choosing sword + magic is good) and teach them spells) + PISE AI MODULE (it makes casters heal themselves at 50% health, not when they are nearly dead which is almost always too late). But results are still not good enough - if I choose dual wield or sword + shield as their combat style followers stick to it and never attempt healing themselves.


Anyone up to such MOD?

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