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Vortex for Linux!


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I just moved to Linux, it's a shame I can't play Skyrim with my several hundred mod saves. Definitely waiting for Vortex on Linux.


Actually you can with SteamPlay. Though you won't be able to swap mods under Linux, whatever you've installed with NMM will work, even SKSE.


You just need to rename skse_loader.exe to SkyrimLauncher.exe.


Also, SSE doesn't work yet. So, there's that.

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I just moved to Linux, it's a shame I can't play Skyrim with my several hundred mod saves. Definitely waiting for Vortex on Linux.


Actually you can with SteamPlay. Though you won't be able to swap mods under Linux, whatever you've installed with NMM will work, even SKSE.


You just need to rename skse_loader.exe to SkyrimLauncher.exe.


Also, SSE doesn't work yet. So, there's that.


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Thanks humpywolf, might as well say I'm a beginner it's been ten years or more since I messed with Linux. I did have a version ( though I can't remember which) set up on my computer at one point, but I only dabbled in it back then. Maybe it's time to take a second look starting with Mint since I do have an AMD graphics card.

AMD or NVIDIA, it's all good! Also, you're welcome! :3

Edited by humpywolf
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The core application of Vortex has already been built with platform independence in mind but there is still a lot of components that would require extra work to make it work fully.

E.g. extracting the icon for an executable, extracting the version number from an executable, handling an application crash to report a proper error, fixing directory permissions so Vortex can access everything it needs - all these things had to be implemented because node.js doesn't provide them and are currently only implemented on Windows.

Additionally, even cross-platform toolkits are often not perfectly the same across all platform, last time I tried I got build errors on Linux that didn't make sense and didn't occur on Windows.


None of this is a show stopper of course but currently we just don't have the time.

If you're interested in helping out though: Vortex is open-source and the repository is at https://github.com/Nexus-Mods/Vortex

Thanks Tannin42! Hopefully some Linux gamers/devs will pick it up. I'd definitely be willing to test it out as a modder and scripter, but I'm not as competent on the programming side.

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here is a Video to install Vortex on Linux. I do it on Linux Mint 19 Cinnamon and it works without any problems. But a real manager for Linux this would be great. Steamplay is good so i think there will be more people play on Linux.




We need a native version for the 5,000+ native games, and then we can have the native version also manage Wine games too. :3

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Vortex runs with Python, Phython runs on Linux. Just need someone able developing Python on Linux. But what is with the other software like LOOT ore SKSE for example?


No, Vortex doesn't use any python, except for the build system.

It uses javascript (electron/node.js) though, which is also available on Linux.


As you pointed out: other tools may not be native on those platforms, they have to be run through wine either way. But who cares? The games supported by those tools are windows-only as well, if you run skyrim through wine you can run skse through wine.

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