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wastes of Finland


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Ok mod goe like this its just like anchorage,brokensteel,mothership zeta. And so on. This mod goes like this requies anchorage and brokensteel and finnish talon company armor textures. Ok after started the purifier and waked up in citadel you get asked for help to kill enclave when you go out side citadel you get a emergengy signal from rivert city and when you start to listen the signal the signal calls and a voice says that rivert city ship has gone grazy the alarms scream and lights flashes. Then starts the quest named Wastes of Finland and when you go to rivert city the extended bridge shakes side to side giveing danger of walling from bridge. When you get a board the ship it bridge closes and security guard cames to you and says: You? its you! oh my god we need your help right now. and you can anwser: what kind of help? and guard says that for order to leave the ship you have to stop the madness thats happening in ship. when guard says those words the ship starts to shake and then happens therible sound like motor starting on and the ship starts to leave america then happens wlash and there reads text many days later. you come back from flash you woke up at the muddy ruder bar floor whit red flashing then you stand up and flashing stops and bar men comes and says to you that get out of ship you go out ship and you see the head guardian you go to speak to him and you ask where are we and guardian says in finland at the old helsinki ship habor he tolds you that there in finand might be even some one alive when you get there all pepole you met in helsinki ruins speaks finnish and only thing you can anwser is sorry i dont understead. Thing that you have to do is find Mikko named guy that can teach you finnish language then you gane a perk named finnish teach and discruption says now you can speak finnish. After that you start to ask pepole that do they know enyone who has knowledge or information to fix the ship system. then one guy tolds you that he knows where is one and gives you map location to finnish VR train station. after you get there you find the man inside some where when you go speak to him he gives you a ship fixer perk. And after that you can go to ship and use fixing terminal at the flight deck. then enige starts to work again. But then they shuts down and you go to back on finland lands and you have to find 500000 litres of diesel you find 50000 litres of diesel in barrel from every kind of location after you have found them all you need to go to the ship and collect 10 very light and very very long plastic pipes from ship and after that you go down back to bridge deck and go connect th pipes to pipe connection point next to door that leads to rivert city market and then go to every location where you have found the hudge barrels and connect pipes to them after that you go back to ship and open the vent back on the flight deck terminal and ship starts to refuel and after that the ship starts to move again and get headed back to america happens flash that says many days later after that you are back to rivert city and bridge extendes then head security guard comes to you and says: Thank you because of your help rivert city is back to normal. We dont have much to thanks but here is some take it as a thanks. Then you get 10 stimpaks, 500 bottlecaps, 2 rad aways and Karma. After that the corner reads quest Wastes of Finland completed. The dangers in finland: Bloat flys, Amis ( men whit finnish textured taloncompany armor.), Ghouls, eyebots. Allies Brother hood of steel , civlis, so on. Radio channels: Paikallis uutis radio. Only finnish music. Neccesery suppiles can be bought from rivert city market. New weapons: these use 5.56mm ammo: RK95 and RK62 , AKM,AKS74 (scoped chines assualt rifle.), Micro UZI , KK machine gun. These use 5mm : 5mm pistol, PKM. These use 32mm ammo: mosing revolver M1895 (7-9 shots and then reload.) , scoped hunting rifle. These use shot gun shells: Mossberg 500, hunting shot gun. These use 308 ammo Tak 85 sniper rifle. These use 10mm: Suomi smg , psh-40, MP-40. These use Electron charge pack: plasma minigun. Edited by Supi999
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  • 3 weeks later...

In the politest manner possible, I REALLY suggest that you put in paragraphs.


That solid mass of text is horrible to read - just a line or two, and my eyes try to burrow out the back of my head. Guessing others here may feel similarly, and if no one reads your request, it can't get done.

Edited by 7thsealord
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