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*Sigh* Pink torso and feet on some NPC's(Will i ever get this righ


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Coming to the end of the tether with modded Oblivion now, never had so many troubles with it, I just want to play the game ;_;


Anyway, I sorted out loads of problems and thought id cracked it finally so i started playing the game properly instead of just loading it up and making sure everything worked 20 times a day. Wandering round the city and there ware 1 or 2 NPC with pink feet. I just thought sod it i can live with that and carried on having fun until I went round a corner and bumped into this:




That's too far, it looks stupid and it completely disheartening, i just cant ignore it its bright pink! Now that guy is a nord so I created a nord character to see if it was his skin but the body was normal in the creator. So what up with this? I know its a missing texture of some sort but what? How do i fix it?


Any help would be greatly appreciated!



Edited by Crabbeh
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