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Permanent Blur


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I've been testing different visual mods and I decided none of them really did what I was looking for. I uninstalled them and now I've noticed that my character I was using with them has a permanent blur all around the edge of the screen (sorta like what it looks like when you are sprinting). I started a new game and the problem isn't there.


Anyone experience this before? I hope I can fix this guy.


I really can't give a list of the mods that might be involved because I'm not sure how long I've had the problem.

Edited by bct18181
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Sounds like an image-space modifier was left active (maybe by one of the mods) and was not turned off. It can be removed manually, using the command (script or console) 'RemoveImageSpaceModifier'. Problem is, you would have to know exactly which ISM is causing the problem in order to use this command. There may be a way to remove all currently active ISMs, but I don't know of any.
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