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My dragon. I am aware that the number of Draugr in Unahzaal Zind may seem unlikely, but this is including both the under ground caverns and the fortress it's self. Nonetheless, the numbers are open to change, should it be wanted


Name: VulViingKonahrik (Dark Winged Warlord)


Age: 5439 (This is a completely plausible age, given that the dragons came to tamrial from Akavir in the merethic era, can live a ridicoulasly long time and can be resurected by three words from another dragon)


Gender: Male


Alignment: borderline between evil and neutral


Race: Dragon


Class: Legendary Dragon


Deity: N/A


Personality: VulViingKonahrik is smart, cunning and adaptable. VilViingKonahrik survived all the years between the merethic era and the present day by formulating a plan long ago.


Weapon: Natural weaponry (eg: Claws, biting ect), shouts, magic


Appearance: https://encrypted-tbn1.google.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQlZg-nJEPLBPkUROS2ssd9LfVO4yFeC36mY1G5h61vJ5qZKd9Ayw[





Clothing: N/A


History/background: VulViingKonahrik was a very powerful dragon. In body, voice and mind. A few of the dragons thought his power may have matched or bettered that of Alduin's, though they would never speak it aloud for fear of being wrong. He controlled vast tracks of land, incorperating parts of skyrim, morrowind and cyrodille. While many other dragons left ruleing to their dragon priests, took a more active role in controlling his worshipers, Krasaar, his best dragon priest, being more of an advicer. Even when the dragons were cast down, the plan he made ensured that he kept certain parts of his wealth safe, mostly by locking it away in fortress-tombs.

Then came the great rebellion. While he fought to regain control over his people, he realised he was fighting a losing battle, and so formulated a new plan... one which many other dragons would have fought disgraceful. Taking what loyal followers he had left, mostly the soldiers of Ulfgar, one of his most trusted generals (and later to be one of the Draugr deathlords left to control a fortress-tomb), he reinforced his key forts and tombs, and finnally VulViingKonahrik retreated into his own stronghold, giving the rebels the illusion that he had fled. In reality, he was simply biding his time. Knowing that he would not be able to take on this whole new world, and realising that the prophecy said that one day the dragons would rise again, he waited and bided his time, hunting only when nessasarcy, and ensuring that he was not caught, while building up his stronghold. Cut off from the rest of his fortress-tombs, he could not tell how well they were doing, or wether the mortals had cast them down into the snow


Then the dragon crisis came

Alduin returned, rising dragons once more, VulViingKonahrik came out of hiding, he quickly set about finding out how his lands had faired, retaking and rebuilding fortress-tombs that had been destroyed, abandoned or captured by bandits admist the chaos of the war. When the dragon born went to Skuldafn, VulViingKonahrik was there. He landed on the platform after the dragon born had killed Nahkriin, the dragon born readied for a fight, but VulViingKonahrik was not htere to fight. He urged the dragonborn to go through the portal to sovengarde, saying that Alduin had proven he was unfit to lead, and that he was begining to doubt Alduin. Something the dragonborn had already heard from OdAhViing. Upon learing this, VulViingKonahrik simply stated that he and OdAhViing were not the only dragons beinging to doubt Alduin, and told the dragonborn to hurry "for each passing moment, Alduin eats another mortals soul".

After Alduins defeat, he continued to maintain what he had left


What remains in VulViingKonahrik's hands now is but a small slice of his former power:


Fortress-tombs: Fortresses of VulViingKonahrik's which double as tombs. Most are in deselote, hard to reach place. All are ginormas to make room for a dragon, should VulViingKonahrik have wished to enter. All are generally well built and defended, some even have their own claws to open a puzzle door. All the puzzle doors are crafted in a way that if VulViingKonahrik was to put his claw into the key slot (provided the combination was correct) the door would open. The claws are only for mortal entry:


Kein Kiir (War child): Kein Kiir was built during the great rebellion, so it was born from war, hence the name. One of VulViingKonahriks smaller fortress-tombs, it is now controled by the Draugr Overlord Ulfric. Kein Kiir is the only one of VolViingKonahriks fortress-tombs left that does not have a puzzle door. Kein Kiir hosts 2000 draugr, and is built into the side of the jerall mountains, east of helgen


Vahlok Qethsegol (Guardian Stone): Vahlok Qethsegol has nothing to do with the actual gaurdians stone, it was named because of it's purpose. In place high on a mountain peak near the north eastern Jerall mountains (south west of skyrim), thus being on the border of what now is Cyrodille, Skyrim and Morrowind, it could see the majority of VulViingKonahrik's lands. The Draugr Overlord Wulfgar is the master of the Draugr in this place. The combination of the puzzle door in this place is Snake, Eagle, Bear, and the claw is made out of Blue Garnet. Vahlok Qethsegol hosts 4000 Draugr in total, and is the fortress tomb in which Bah resides


Munax Krein (Cruel Sun): Munax Krein was named because of the first line the now draugr deathlord Drennen, who is incharge of this large fortress-tomb, said upon his arrival, having been from a place deep within the jeral mountains, he was shocked to find the difference in tempreture of the are this fort is in, beyond the jerall mountains, within what is now morrowind it's self. The combination of the Puzzle door in this place is Snake, Dragon, Fox, and the claw is made out of Serendibite. Munax Krein hosts 5000 Draugr, and is the fortress tomb in which Kest resides


Unahzaal Zind (Unending Triumph): Unahzaal Zind is VulViingKonahrik's gigantic keep. It is unique in that it has not one, but two puzzle doors. It is situated on a tall mountain in the jerall mountains, almost forgotten in time, only a few individuals who have been brave enough to enter one of VulViingKonahrik's abandoned fortress-tombs, and lucky enough to find a dragonstone detailing VulViingKonahriks old empire even know it exists. In it's desolute location, surrounded by mountains for miles in every direction, trying to reach it on foot would be suicide due to exposure to the elements. The only way is by air. Or by finding out the hidden puzzle door (the combination of which is Dragon, Wolf, Whale, and the dragon claw is Made of Red diamond) behind a waterfall in skyrim, that leads to a giant underground maze of caverns and braving the armies of Draugr assigned to guard it. The door to Unahzaal Zind it's self is a puzzle door (The combination Dragon, Butterfly, Eagle, and the claw being made out of Jade) Unahzaal Zind has another defense. Deep within, there lies VulViingKonahriks personal room, where he hid the majority of his exile in time. There is no door to this room. At a dead end with in Unahzaal Zind, shouting the word 'BEX' (the dragon language word for open) with the voice opens the wall, allowing access to this chamber, which houses several treasures inside as well. Unahzaal Zind hosts over 7000 draugr, and is where the dragon priest Krasaar is.


Dragon priests: In return for small amounts of power, the dragon priests gave absolute obidiance:


Name: Krasaar


Age: 4713


Gender: Male


Weapon: Staff of Sickness, magic


Appearance: http://images1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20120125103047/elderscrolls/images/thumb/b/be/Dragon_priest.jpg/406px-Dragon_priest.jpg


History: Krasaar, born Velfred, was a Zealous worshiper of the dragons. Krasaar made a pact with VulViingKonahrik, the dragon gave him power, and in return Krasaar gave his undying loyalty. Krasaar was quickly revealed to be very pious, a trait which gave him great value to VulViingKonahrik. After replacing Kest as high priest, he became one of the most trusted of VulViingKonahrik's servants.



Name: Kest


Age: 4742


Gender: Male


Weapon: Staff of Storms, magic


Appearance: https://encrypted-tbn1.google.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRhruq4RIOw5363iMVYcoyOiJ_LpFS8OieFTCl5J_4dI8U8tGRB


History: Kest, born Vongvild, was a dragon priest. He was the original high priest of VulViingKonahrik, until Krasaar replaced him, proving more capable. Kest swore revenge, and has been trying to outdo Krasaar ever since.



Name: Bah


Age: 4732


Gender: Male


Weapon: Staff of Wrath (, magic


Appearance: https://encrypted-tbn1.google.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSlf7rCLUkk8npq0WK0ub1jbIUKtaevRM6Aeltx4GAfFReb9hnNXw


History: Bah, born Addvar, was a dragon priest. He was never the most powerful, but he was a force to be reckoned with.



High ranking Draugr: In life they were trusted generals, officers or heros, in death they continue to serve their master...:



Name: Draugr Death Overlord Ulfgar


Age: 4600


Gender: Male


Weapon: Ancient Nord sword of lightning, Thu'um


Appearance: https://encrypted-tbn2.google.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTmy2shImnsXs9Ohc2LZg4jokP2BwAcQZ8VipQFZvitISVRnB2Y


History: Ulfgar was the most trusted general of VulViingKonahrik, and was given high priority tasks, unwavingly loyal, Ulfgar ensured his soldiers had the same zealousness that he had, and they were among the few which stayed with VulViingKonahrik during the rebellion.



Name: Draugr Deathlord Drennen


Age: 4585


Gender: Male


Weapon: Ancient Nord Axe of Frost, Thu'um


Appearance: https://encrypted-tbn1.google.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSG7lRrpk7ZrUTCD2O01yfiid-0FSEOS-yTQdBQn4HDmYVHONvb


History: Drennen was a trusted general of VolViingKonahrik's forces. If the rebellion hadn't happened, he was on his way to replace Ulfgar once Ulfgar died... now this is impossible...



Name: Draugr Overlord Wulfgar


Age: 4583


Gender: Male


Weapon: Ancient nord greatsword of fire, Thu'um


Appearance: [https://encrypted-tbn1.google.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSlf7rCLUkk8npq0WK0ub1jbIUKtaevRM6Aeltx4GAfFReb9hnNXw


History: Wulfgar was a captain in VulViingKonahriks army, in life he was a great warrior at Vahlok Qethsegol, in death he continues to watch over his masters renaments of a kingdom



Name: Draugr Overlord Ulfric


Age: 4583


Gender: Male


Weapon: Ancient nord battleaxe of fire, Thu'um


Appearance: https://encrypted-tbn3.google.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSBKdRRig2txoJsxJnNimc399pPj-2SQOYmYyydRxe_mh1JlY-y


History: Ulfric was a captain in VulViingKonahriks army, in life he was a warlord in command of Kein Kiir , in death he continues to stalk the halls



PS: Originally the images were to appear on the page, but it would not allow me to use those images on this thread, so if you need to see one of the images, your'll have to put the url in the url bar




















Edited by Brutii
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Well, well! Someone did their homework! A+ means Approved! Welcome! So long as you don't torment my people, I won't shoot Icy Spears at you!


yeah, I wanted to make the history longer, but the lore on the merethic era is so ridicoulasly thin

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Just so you know, (this is mostly directed to TheBrownCow.) there's a big T-storm moving through, so if the power goes out i may not be able to post for a bit. (Probably won't happen, but it's a big one.)


Edit: nope. No power outages here.

Edited by Flipout6
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Hey so I noticed some posts in here regarding the end of the civil war. According to my character sheet the Stormcloaks won (I did that because I didn't notice anything in place already contradicting that) and I've seen a post (somewhere) where a character thought that Ulfric might be High King. Since there haven't been any Imperial Victory dependent posts while there have been a few stormcloak victory hinting posts can we state that the Stormcloaks won the war? This by no means indicates that that whole regime/army/movement is still functioning and allows the Thalmor to be present following a collapse or a split into more separate holds (more like a true feudal system) since we're operating beyond the scope of existing lore I don't think that's too much of a stretch by any means.
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Hey so I noticed some posts in here regarding the end of the civil war. According to my character sheet the Stormcloaks won (I did that because I didn't notice anything in place already contradicting that) and I've seen a post (somewhere) where a character thought that Ulfric might be High King. Since there haven't been any Imperial Victory dependent posts while there have been a few stormcloak victory hinting posts can we state that the Stormcloaks won the war? This by no means indicates that that whole regime/army/movement is still functioning and allows the Thalmor to be present following a collapse or a split into more separate holds (more like a true feudal system) since we're operating beyond the scope of existing lore I don't think that's too much of a stretch by any means.


No. It would completely screw over Mythic's char sheet hers depends on him being dead, which actually, since this whole RP takes place at least a hundred years or so after the events of Skyrim, to avoid LORE CONFLICTS, The war wouldn't matter anyway.

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Where was the year for this posted? 100 years screws all of my posts up. Hypothetical: 20 years or thereabouts after the war, recent enough. Ulfirc won but was assassinated, plenty of Imperials would hire DB to do that or Thalmor would do it. Imperials regain limited control of Skyrim while it remains primarily broken up into seperate holds and Thalmor influence is seeping back in. I think thats a fair compromise. I have yet to see a year posted and a setup where its 100 years later and empire won completely ruins my character (which to be fair, was up before Mythic's Thalmor oriented one) and all of my posts. With this situation nothing gets ruined and lore conflict is non-existent.
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Where was the year for this posted? 100 years screws all of my posts up. Hypothetical: 20 years or thereabouts after the war, recent enough. Ulfirc won but was assassinated, plenty of Imperials would hire DB to do that or Thalmor would do it. Imperials regain limited control of Skyrim while it remains primarily broken up into seperate holds and Thalmor influence is seeping back in. I think thats a fair compromise. I have yet to see a year posted and a setup where its 100 years later and empire won completely ruins my character (which to be fair, was up before Mythic's Thalmor oriented one) and all of my posts. With this situation nothing gets ruined and lore conflict is non-existent.


It all boils down to the same thing, mate. The imperials being in control, and My char having Markarth, since all the empire cares about is my silver anyway. Willing to negotiate, but this has to be settled between you and mythic.

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20 years is not exactly a long enough time to have a completely new line of Royals on the Imperial throne, and for them to have children etc. It is not Iodiria that depends on it, it is Selene. If the RP is only set 20 years after the events, it would not be possible to be born into the Royal family, this new royal family, it Mede had only just died....


I can settle for 30 years after, meaning it will have had enough time for Selene to be born into the royal family, and the new family to already exist.


The Feudal system indeed sounds like a good idea, meaning the Thalmor would have influence once again.


If you can settle for 30 years, then i can settle for the stormcloaks winning the civil war, Ulfric being assassinated, etc.

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