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Okay... so no one gets lost, really the current plot, mixed with a lot of you know, and love troubles, basically Selene and Cyrus are off the take Castle Volkihar.


So to flipout, and the brown cow.... don't worry, i am sure Cyrus will be back in time for your arrival in markarth.


Just so no-one gets lost in the tangle of posts. :thumbsup:

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i've been reading all the posts so I know whats going on :) I believe I'm going to make a new char and set him as a Psijic Leader. Is that aloud? Also can I have control of Artaeum?
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i've been reading all the posts so I know whats going on :) I believe I'm going to make a new char and set him as a Psijic Leader. Is that aloud? Also can I have control of Artaeum?


Psyjic monk? maybe. Artaeeum? I don't know who that is, if it is a user char no. if it is one from the original Skyrim game or the Expansion? Still no. No one gets to be Dovakhin, or Balgruf or Ulfric Stormcloak etc.

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Artaeum is a massive floating Island that went missing twice. Once a LOOOONG time ago and then reappeared shortly sometime after the oblivion crisis. Then it disappeared again. The Psijic Order lives on Artaeum. Artaeum feeds on souls to continue floating, and is said the island itself is alive. However I'll probably make it so somehow they don't have to eat souls, because that would be kind of catastrophic if a giant island just started sucking up thousands of souls constantly around the world. Edited by TheBrownCow
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lol, I get my characters injured too much, but they're all during times when they should be getting hurt. (A vampire lord ain't no bunny rabbit.) XD
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Figured I would make Char sheets for two minor chars I have been using in recent posts. I almost was going to submit them for approval, and then remembered I both run and created this thing.


Name: Sara


Age: 50 (youngish for an elf, probably about 17 or 18 if I got the conversion rate right, correct me if I am wrong plz!)


Gender: Female


Alignment: Lawful Good


Race: Wood Elf (Bosmer)


Class:Archer/Steward of Markarth


Deity: Auri-El


Personality: Sweet and mostly innocent, shy yet friendly, loving yet hurt.


Weapon: In a pinch Elven Bow and arrows. prefers to talk things out


Appearance: About 5'6", strawberry blonde hair, green eyes, small cute face, small breasts, slender waist, smaller hips, smallish ass.


Clothing: She wears a black dress that goes to just above her knees, with black flats (Had help from a female friend to figure this out) she wears black silk undergarments, and a gold necklace with an emerald on it Cyrus had given her for her birthday.


History/background: Sara had been travelling with her family towards Markarth when bandits attacked, and killed her parents. Sara refuses to acknowledge her family name to keep from thinking of that traumatic event. She was found by a patrol and brought to the city. Cyrus had just murdered his former steward for attempting to steal from the Gold vault, and hired her on the spot. She was attracted to Cyrus from the moment she saw him, and was surprised when he called her to his dinner table to learn about her. She told him of what happened to her parents, and her birth day, and a few other facts ha inquired about. Two weeks later, when her birthday came around, Cyrus was in a fouler mood than normal, so when she was called to the throne room, she thought she was done for. Instead, he handed her a sweet roll and a small box and said Happy Birthday. Then went on to yell at a guard for not polishing his armor. She tried to love him physically that night but was turned away.



Second char Sheet.


Name:Tina Harper






Alignment: Lawful Evil


Race: Breton


Class: Necromancer/Head of Death Squad 13


Deity: Sithis


Personality: Tina is cold and ambitious, but has a soft spot way down. She is slightly vain, and hates when people make fun of her looks. She also feels no attraction to men, mainly towards women, but keeps this to herself as she has yet to find someone she likes.


Weapon:Her magic, a staff of Fireball, and in a pinch a daedric dagger


Appearance: Tina has Black hair, and blue eyes. she has a fullish body, with B-Cup breasts, slim waist and smaller hips than most women, but not too small. She is 5'6" tall.


Clothing: Black Necromancer Robes, and practical and comfortable black boots.


History/background: Tina was abandoned as a young child, being the illegitimate daughter of the Jarl of Riften and a servant. She grew up in the orphanage, until she ran away, and came across a book of necromantic spells. She challenged Cyrus to rule Markarth, and lost spectacularly, however her life was spared as Cyrus was impressed by her braveness, and her spellwork, training her in Necromacy personally. She took over Death Squad by beating the other people in the squad one after another, and still wants the throne, but will not challenge Cyrus for it, as she respects him too much.

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well thank you. That vamp lord was quite the challenge. I really need to give Waldo something silver.. maybe learn a fire spell


Tina could help with that, and don't bother hitting on her, she's a lesbian, And she could get you a silver blade when she gets to town. Silver wouldn't be a good idea against vamps though, although it does additional damage to them as they are undead, you would be better off with some salvaged Dawnguard stuff, which is special to use against Vamps.

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