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Right, I give permission to Mythicdawnmaster to take partial control over my death squad and.. what's left of my army. I will have a lot survive cause i still need them. She has permission to say stuff like "Selene notices Tina and her necromancers using frost spells to put the fires out so the boat wouldn't sink" That sort of thing. Since some do not pay attention, The Army of the Undead are to be used against Castle Volkihar. Then put back into their graves or disintegrated. This is now a declared plan. Any who do not like it, stay away from my army and my characters. That is all. Falkreath is under my control, by the way mythic, so I must ask you to vacate it as soon as possible. Thank you for your cooperation.


that last part sounds like a ultimatum that should be delivered in the RP, not on a discussion thread :laugh: so what, I'm meant to make up some crappy reason my dragon is going to let free land go once the thalmor vacate it?

Edited by Brutii
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Right, I give permission to Mythicdawnmaster to take partial control over my death squad and.. what's left of my army. I will have a lot survive cause i still need them. She has permission to say stuff like "Selene notices Tina and her necromancers using frost spells to put the fires out so the boat wouldn't sink" That sort of thing. Since some do not pay attention, The Army of the Undead are to be used against Castle Volkihar. Then put back into their graves or disintegrated. This is now a declared plan. Any who do not like it, stay away from my army and my characters. That is all. Falkreath is under my control, by the way mythic, so I must ask you to vacate it as soon as possible. Thank you for your cooperation.


that last part sounds like a ultimatum that should be delivered in the RP, not on a discussion thread :laugh: so what, I'm meant to make up some crappy reason my dragon is going to let free land go once the thalmor vacate it?


Well the land was already mine when I had the Jarl assassinated. I stated that I was taking it for the cemetary at least a day or two ago. So your dragon didn't need to be there in the first place.

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Right, I give permission to Mythicdawnmaster to take partial control over my death squad and.. what's left of my army. I will have a lot survive cause i still need them. She has permission to say stuff like "Selene notices Tina and her necromancers using frost spells to put the fires out so the boat wouldn't sink" That sort of thing. Since some do not pay attention, The Army of the Undead are to be used against Castle Volkihar. Then put back into their graves or disintegrated. This is now a declared plan. Any who do not like it, stay away from my army and my characters. That is all. Falkreath is under my control, by the way mythic, so I must ask you to vacate it as soon as possible. Thank you for your cooperation.


that last part sounds like a ultimatum that should be delivered in the RP, not on a discussion thread :laugh: so what, I'm meant to make up some crappy reason my dragon is going to let free land go once the thalmor vacate it?


Well the land was already mine when I had the Jarl assassinated. I stated that I was taking it for the cemetary at least a day or two ago. So your dragon didn't need to be there in the first place.


Your treating it as though it's an actual political argument rather than a roleplay, how was my dragon supposed to know any of this? all he saw was a town butchered and raised as an undead. he wants to rebuild his empire, everyone owns parts of the land, he wants to take it back so, you know... capturing a vacated town is quite easy...

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Right, I give permission to Mythicdawnmaster to take partial control over my death squad and.. what's left of my army. I will have a lot survive cause i still need them. She has permission to say stuff like "Selene notices Tina and her necromancers using frost spells to put the fires out so the boat wouldn't sink" That sort of thing. Since some do not pay attention, The Army of the Undead are to be used against Castle Volkihar. Then put back into their graves or disintegrated. This is now a declared plan. Any who do not like it, stay away from my army and my characters. That is all. Falkreath is under my control, by the way mythic, so I must ask you to vacate it as soon as possible. Thank you for your cooperation.


that last part sounds like a ultimatum that should be delivered in the RP, not on a discussion thread :laugh: so what, I'm meant to make up some crappy reason my dragon is going to let free land go once the thalmor vacate it?


Well the land was already mine when I had the Jarl assassinated. I stated that I was taking it for the cemetary at least a day or two ago. So your dragon didn't need to be there in the first place.


Your treating it as though it's an actual political argument rather than a roleplay, how was my dragon supposed to know any of this? all he saw was a town butchered and raised as an undead. he wants to rebuild his empire, everyone owns parts of the land, he wants to take it back so, you know... capturing a vacated town is quite easy...


And he had to take that one? I am including the politics there. Sooner or later, my army will be back, and Cyrus will want the dragon out, unless he doesn't try to kill him or his people. Cyrus was planning on using the town and the soil for farmland. There are additional nutrients in the soil where graves or dead have been, why not put it to use. And the dirt will be nicely churned by the raising then returning of the undead.

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Right, I give permission to Mythicdawnmaster to take partial control over my death squad and.. what's left of my army. I will have a lot survive cause i still need them. She has permission to say stuff like "Selene notices Tina and her necromancers using frost spells to put the fires out so the boat wouldn't sink" That sort of thing. Since some do not pay attention, The Army of the Undead are to be used against Castle Volkihar. Then put back into their graves or disintegrated. This is now a declared plan. Any who do not like it, stay away from my army and my characters. That is all. Falkreath is under my control, by the way mythic, so I must ask you to vacate it as soon as possible. Thank you for your cooperation.


that last part sounds like a ultimatum that should be delivered in the RP, not on a discussion thread :laugh: so what, I'm meant to make up some crappy reason my dragon is going to let free land go once the thalmor vacate it?


Well the land was already mine when I had the Jarl assassinated. I stated that I was taking it for the cemetary at least a day or two ago. So your dragon didn't need to be there in the first place.


Your treating it as though it's an actual political argument rather than a roleplay, how was my dragon supposed to know any of this? all he saw was a town butchered and raised as an undead. he wants to rebuild his empire, everyone owns parts of the land, he wants to take it back so, you know... capturing a vacated town is quite easy...


And he had to take that one? I am including the politics there. Sooner or later, my army will be back, and Cyrus will want the dragon out, unless he doesn't try to kill him or his people. Cyrus was planning on using the town and the soil for farmland. There are additional nutrients in the soil where graves or dead have been, why not put it to use. And the dirt will be nicely churned by the raising then returning of the undead.


... Thank you for reminding me of another reason to hold the town.

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Provinces have taken over Falkreath. I have claim over it!


OK.......what is that supposed to mean? You can't just stick a flag in the ground and say that you claimed it...


Somehow I knew you would be the one to object. I can, according to the fact that Skyrim is in a feudal lord system. I run the RP, your argument is invalid :laugh:

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Apparently my rules are not clear enough to some of you, Mecianthe this is directed at you partially, but to everyone as a reminder. There is no controlling other people's characters, or anything controlled by them, this includes summoned creatures, undead, guards whatever. You cannot decide whether or not your attacks hit, that is considered controlling. I will not issue any more warnings on this subject as my warnings seem to not have any effect. You control other characters, state that you kill another person's character or an element controlled by the same person, or anything that elicits control you will receive a strike. Three times I have to tell you, you will be kicked out of the RP. Do not stop after you have been kicked out, I will contact an Admin to MAKE you stop. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!
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