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Uh, the rule is not to dictate other people's character, he can kill as many as your soldiers as he wishes, just as long as Cyrus isn't affected.


No, he cannot. They are summoned creatures which are controlled by him. The rule is you cannot control any element controlled by another player. I cannot kill your guards unless you say the arrows hit for example. They are guards. They are controlled by you. ergo, according to RP rules, I cannot kill them myeslf. I can attempt to, but you say whether or not they die. Same goes with him. he cannot just Dispel my creatures, nor can he "squish my daedra and toss them aside"

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OK then... you summoned like....150 things at once, bit much? His magicka would have to be well into the....10 thousands to summon that, and a sword, and daedra...the list goes on. And to believe you said Dirmire was OP :confused: And its a little odd holding the staff of molag bol AND a sword...you can't just use the excuse " I OWN THE RP" to do exactly what you want, to be blunt, that would just be plain corrupt. Edited by AnotherAverageName
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OK then... you summoned like....150 things at once, bit much? His magicka would have to be well into the....10 thousands to summon that, and a sword, and daedra...the list goes on. And to believe you said Dirmire was OP :confused: And its a little odd holding the staff of molag bol AND a sword...you can't just use the excuse " I OWN THE RP" to do exactly what you want, to be blunt, that would just be plain corrupt.


Where shall I begin.. one, they are controlled by an artifact, namely an book. two, I allow them to die, he squashes things flat in one swing. Three, I am the one who is in control here, and my rules are to be followed. An admin (dante) has reviewed all this and has warned you at least once AAN about this. He told me to pm him if things are getting out of hand again. You don't like my rules? You don't like my RP? Then get out. I have been more than patient with you, boy. Get out of my RP! This is your official removal statement. Further posts in the RP or the Discussion, or commenting on my profile will result in me going to Dante. Goodbye. Don't darken my RP anymore.

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I spoke the truth and get removed, talk about freedom.


You spoke your idea of the truth. Truth is, Although you lot may think me biased, or controlling, you don't see what goes on behind the scenes all the time. I discuss things with other members too, and they obey the rules, or change things if I ask them to. The rules are actually a decent set of rules. You and he are the only ones who seem to question or disobey them on a regular basis. That is why, AAN you got kicked from my RP. I may allow you to return at a later date, when you can demonstrate that you are able to follow the rules, and do not challenge me on my decisions to intervene.

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OK, where have I broken the rules? If anyone breaks the rules its you, you OOC'd, you flamed, you can't even take a little criticism, whenever we point anything slightly negative, true or not, this happens... your gonna have to learn to take these things....anyway, give me a reference from the RP thread and maybe I will accept. Edited by AnotherAverageName
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OK, where have I broken the rules? If anyone breaks the rules its you, you OOC'd, you flamed, you can't even take a little criticism, whenever we point anything slightly negative, true or not, this happens... your gonna have to learn to take these things....anyway, give me a reference from the RP thread and maybe I will accept.

Reference? Accept? This is not your decision whether or not you are allowed to join or leave, it's mine. And I take ppl giving me criticism when they do not challenge my rules. A Pm has already been sent to Dante. Do not post here again until you can demonstrate you are able to follow rules without challenging them. I only OOCd to tell ppl to NOT OOC.

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I haven't challenged the rules. I haven't broken them, and I would like to hear a justified reason for me to be removed than " I don't like you". Maybe if there was a rule called " giving people suggestions and criticism" yes, I would be breaking that. Otherwise you have no valid reason, another rule you have broken, the 3 strikes and your out rule, I have only been issued one warning. Edited by AnotherAverageName
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not true. You were sitting on 1 strike, 2 warnings. Dante told me I should just lay it down, and made it to end this crap that you get one more chance, then you are gone. you broke that chance, Now you are gone. He told me if you persist, to PM him, and he will deal with you. He has been informed of all this, and will decide what to do when he is next on. To avoid making this situation worse, I suggest you go away, focus on other things until Dante can come on, and review this case. When that is done, he will tell both of us what he has decided.
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Alright, people listen up. As suggested by a friend of mine, I am going to loosen up on the rules just a bit. They still count, but I will be a little more loose about enforcing them. OOC is now allowed, restricted to ONE or TWO sentences ONLY, something like "Can someone play the monsters" Is acceptable. "WTF ARE YOU DOING THAT WAS MY SHOT MY STUFF BLAH BLAH* etc is not. As for fighting and stuff, I will not allow you to dictate hits on someones character, or summoned monsters. There is no "Picking up dremora, squashing them then throwing them through a wall" as that is controlling. You can't just go nyer nyer you cant get me, but there is no killing of ppl's characters or controlled guards, summoned creatures, whatever. That is up to the person controlling them. Fair rule? AAN, I give you one chance, in spirit of Fairness as you gave me a chance to join your RP, I give you a chance to start fresh. Post a new Char sheet, and rejoin. Mirabelle is gone, but you have one fresh slate. Break it, and it's gone for good. Mecianthe, you are still allowed to post, if you do NOT do things like what is said above, there is no killing other characters, or their summoned creatures, by that I mean dictating hits. That is up to the character, and for god's sake, NO more using that abomination. Way to OP for my taste. I at least allow my undead to be killed by Mirabelle and the dragon. Are we clear?
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