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Legends of Tamriel

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So I got banned for breaking about five skeletons a few zombies and throwning some dremora through a wall which they would easily survive something tells me your ajust the rp to suit you and noone else I tried to match your power to make a fun fight but instead you get rid of all your army and walk of in a strop
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@Meciante, you were not banned. I told you to stop dictating hits on other ppls characters. When you didn't, I told you again. You are sitting on at least 1 strike, not banned. You are still welcome to post. Whether or not I made it a fun fight was irrelevant. I allowed my zombies and skeletons to die. You didn't give me any chance to kill that monstrosity, and then continued to dictate hits. That still did not lead to you being banned, but if you like I can. Your choice. Continue posting, following the rules this time, or leave now. Your choice. What's it going to be.

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Ooh, boy. you've got a mission running this place. Anyways...


Name: Arianna [Last name unknown, even to her.]


Age: 19


Gender: Female


Alignment: Chaotic Neutral


Race: Nord


Class: Combination of Thief, Assassin, Archer and Warrior


Deity: Talos


Personality: Caring towards friends, bitter towards enemies and anyone who screws with her family.


Weapon: Ancient sword "Azurbrand," entrusted to her by her grandfather who'd had it passed down through generations. Powerful and reliable. [if anyone needs a picture, I'll find one. Should be one on the JaySuS Swords mod page.]


Appearance: Arianna is like a typical Nord in myths; Beefy, but not drowning in muscles, far from, stands at 5'8", weighs around 175 LBS. Her bust is an average 32B. Blue eyes, long blonde hair with braids on each sides in front of the ears.


Clothing: For relaxing, she possessed numerous varying outfits, similar to what the commoners of Skyrim wear, though she mainly wore her favorite mock-barmaid outfit, the one that accented and showed off her breasts. However, for fighting, she possessed a suit of heavily modified Ebony Armor, missing the sleeves/arm-guards, and replacing the stomach area with a see-through mesh. Below, the Ebony Mail was modified to be a skirt, with the boots reaching to her knees now with the excess Ebony added to them, and a small amount of her brawny legs being revealed.


History/background: Born in Solitude in 4E221, Arianna grew up without a mother, only with an abusive father. By 10, she had left Solitude after her Father became the Jarl of Solitude, something Arianna resented the High Queen immencely for it, eventually gaining passage on a boat outside Solitude to the Imperial Province of Cyrodill. There, she met her first love, an Imperial woman name Camilla [Not to be confused with Camilla Valarius ] and moved with her back to Skyrim at the age of 15. Her life would eventually be turned upside down when Camilla's ex-lover would perform the Black Sacrement, sending the Dark Brotherhood after her and eventually resulting in her death. She now lives on her and her deceased lovers farm outside Markarth, living a content life on the farm with her employed farmers and friends, occassionally taking jobs of theft, assassination or whatever someone comes to her with.


there you go, sir impatient. <3 [i kid.]


forgot to mention it in the History, and it'd make my head blow up to find a place for it, but she despises the Imperial Legion and was there when Ulfric was Assassinated, forced by her father. and please note, if someone already IS the Jarl of solitude, than her father was Jarl before them, and word eventually reaches her of his place on the throne being thrown to Oblivion.

Edited by DemonLady
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Oh, right. Lmao I forgot about that part. Hold on.



Edited by DemonLady
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everyone realises a lich is basically a corpse, right? Their heart doesn't beat anymore, they don't need to breath or drink or eat. They are not immortal, rather... dead. They live as long as their body does, but it slowly decomposes. It doesn't so much cheat death than to delay him (for a long time, though decomposition starts soon after death, the magic delays how fast it happens, but they still rot away until eventually they are nothing. Thats when a lich dies.) Edited by Brutii
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