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Legends of Tamriel

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Name: 'Ghost' Jacob O'Neill


Age: 15


Gender: Male


Alignment: Neutral (sort of... not really evil... GOD DAMN! WHY IS THIS SO BLOODY HARD?!)


Race: Imperial


Class: Thief


Deity: None


Personality: Jacob often stays to himself, sometimes humming or singing to himself. Jacob is often calm and collected when faced with danger, because he faces it everyday. Jacob decides it's best not to let his father inside his head, it's the only place he is truely safe. Jacob is able to put on convincing performences when he needs to. He will seem respectful to your face, and you may think he is a polite lower class person who is respectful of those richer than him... until you realise that he is a thief when your money is gone. Jacob is daring, calculating and natuarally smart, though he lacks proper education. Like most thieves, Jacob prefers to remain unseen, taking your money before you know he's there, though he can become a con man when the need arises. Jacob's lack of muscle development due to being underfed and rusty old dagger needless to say, make him unable to fight well.


Weapon: Old rusty iron dagger


Appearance: Jacob is quite thin, being fed little, which is sometimes useful, being able to crawl through small gaps. Jacob has brown hair and brown eyes, traits from his mother


Clothing: Jacob wears common, basic cloths. The only thing of value he has is a rather expensive ring, his father let him keep it for some reason, but Jacob isn't sure why.


History/background: Jacob was born in the imperial cirty, to a imperial mother and a nord father (In the elder scrolls universe, children always take the mothers race for some reason). His father, Heinrich, was abusive and cruel, but his mother, Yasmin, was the exact opposite. She often saved Jacob from being smacked around when his father was drunk by taking it herself. One night Jacobs mother mysteriously disappeared, Jacob was 6 at the time, and he believed his mother had finally upped and left. Jacob was devestated, believing his mother had ran off with someone and left him behind, but her body was later found in the sewers, cuts all over her and with her skull smashed in. Jacob was traumatized, but his father didn't seem to care. In fact, he seemed to be enjoying himself. He would starve, beat and lock Jacob in a back room for little, or sometimes no, reason. Heinrich would get drunk, get into debt, but manage to get out of it last second... or the person he owed money to would disappear.

Heinrich used Jacob as a beggar to get money. Sometimes he would beat Jacob first then send him out to beg. Heinrich later learned more could be made from uses Jacob as a thief, stealing from anyone, if Jacob was caught, Heinrich would say to the guards "Kids will be kids" pay the fine... then, once the guards were go, punish Jacob severely, angry at Jacob for making him lose money. Starving, beatings, burning and isolation were not uncommon punishments.

Jacob is still a thief, 'making' a fair bit of money everyday, but his father makes sure he will never seen a septim of it. Everyday, Heinrich will give Jacob the same, rusty old iron dagger, and every day, Jacob will go out, cut open peoples purses, break locks, pick locks and steal anything he can, and every day Heinrich takes it all, leaving Jacob with barely enough food to survive. Some of the guards suspect something, but can't prove anything, Jacob won't say anything when questioned, and his father can just deny everything, paying people to say lies.

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Yup, according to our science teacher-








E<-- Its just here.












And if you want to be really morbid it could be:











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Psst, this is spam ;D I think that char should be approved :dance: Make's my sheet looks crap ;D


your's is not crap... it just... has no icing

Edited by Brutii
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Psst, this is spam ;D I think that char should be approved :dance: Make's my sheet looks crap ;D


Second warning one more warning and you receive your first strike. NO Spamming!


On a side note, the words you have been waiting to hear....Brutii, you are... APPROVED! head over to the RP to post when you are ready, Chum!

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