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Legends of Tamriel

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I am guessing the Imperials... or our current situation probably would not work.


Also last time i checked, this was in a new era, so Ulfric would be very much dead.


I believe the imperials were more than likely to win any way, even if the stormcloaks won, then the aldermeri would probably come in and take it over. The aldermeri win either way. If the imperials own it... well, they've pretty much got to eat out of the aldermeri's hand, if the stormcloaks won it, and refused to eat out of the aldermeri's hang (which they would, because they are nords and are to proud... and stupid... to do that) then the aldermeri would just come in and butcher them, with their superior numbers, superior gear, vast materials ect.

Edited by Brutii
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Name: Sedura Dagoth (Formerly Iodiria)


Sex: Female.


Age: Debatable.


Height: 7ft'1


Weight: 100lbs


Race: Heartwight (Appearance of a Chimer)


Relatives: The infamous Dagoth brothers of old, Vemyn, Uthol, Tureynul, Odros, Gilvoth, Endus and Araynys (All in a divine coma-like state)


Class: Forgotten God


Appearance: A woman of divine and elegant beauty, Iodiria exemplifies everything the Chimer sought in beauty, and everything the Altmer desire. She has pale golden skin, striking purple eyes, high, thin cheekbones, full lips, and an incredibly beautiful face. Although her beauty is great, she does not show it to it's full extent anymore, preferring darker tones of makeup, to shroud her in mystery. And Golden blonde hair.


Clothing/Armour: Iodiria still possesses the clothes she once wore, her fine white garments, and golden armours... yet they are simply a reminder of her past life, nothing more, and nothing less. Now she sports unique and Ornate Thalmor attire, an ornate black robe with a large, rigid collar, and finely crafted golden buckles, she also has been known to don a set of silver armour, which is finely crafted to fit her body, and hers only.


Personality: A usually quiet, reserved, and formal woman, Iodiria has a heart of purity, and a heart of pure evil. She can be kind beyond compare, yet her temper, and new found loyalty to the Thalmor ensures she must keep her true nature hidden.


Weapon: The fabled blade Trueflame, and it's twin, Hopesfire.


History/Background: Iodiria (Sedura Indoril as she was known upon her birth) Was born into the then high, and ruling house Indoril, her family having well forged ties with the Tribunal temple, her mother a high priestess, and her father an Ordinator general, she was given no other choice, no other options, then to have a sheltered, lonely life. She was privately educated by both tutors of the arts of reading and writing, and that of the teachings of the Tribunal.


As she grew older, she shone through in both sides of the tribunal coin, she showed compassion, mercy, and kindness as her roles in the temple's doctrine, working as a priestess, blessing, and teaching worship to the youngers, And at the same time fanned the flames of her own fury, becoming a prestigious warrior, devout to the Tribunals laws of justice, putting down heretics, and silencing evil.


Through her years of studying and rigorous training, she met a fine man, by the name of Tholeri Indoril, a good friend, and avid supporter of hers, standing up for her when things went wrong, protecting her when she was vulnerable... they finally admitted there love for eachother, after being trapped together on an expedition gone wrong. And for many years after they continued, hand in hand.


Her true colours shone through in a bloody, and violent battle against one of Indorils many enemies, she led its forces as a lieutenant in the ordinators, and as a Curate of the temple, she fought ferociously for her gods names, and her dunmer kin, cutting a swathe through the bloody battlefield, seeing many horrors of death and war... Until finally the battle was won... and the numbers of the enemy dropped to zero... they were completely decimated, completely destroyed, and all that remains were there carcasses, and there shields, as the crows pecked out the eyes of the dead, Sedura looked around for her lover... and fell to her knees as she found him... she said the words "Tholeri?... My love? No! Don't leave me! I love you..." She sobbed for a long while, cradling him as he died in her arms. From that day forth she swore her unwavering zealotry to the Tribunals cause, devoting herself even further down the path of there teachings.


One fateful day, as she meditated in her chambers, now almost a master in the Tribunal temple, and a General of the ordinators on the mainland, doing her parents proud, she received some crushing news.... Her actions against imperial troops many years previous had come back to haunt her, the Emperor, saw it fit to have her captured, brought to the imperial city... and as at this point the Empire had it's claws into the sacred land of morrowind... all she could do was comply.


But her news was about to get far more terrible.... she was to be released... but not as the noble of Indoril she once was... but as a puppet to the emperor, a puppet to one of her most despised enemies... the blades. She reported, after a long and sickening journey aboard a prison ship, wearing away at her faith... she finally stopped as she reached the port town of Seyda neen, from there she set off to the town of balmora as quickly as she could... not wanting to spend a moment longer than she had to on the mainland, in the service of the empire.


Finally she reached the spymasters house... and the smell of vile skooma filled the air, she looked in disgust at the lesser man before her... as a dunmer, she was disgusted to be subject to him... she could deal with the plagues of the temple... but not this topless and drugged up man. After literally throwing the package at him, Caius told her of her new task... with great reluctance, and this was doing nothing but damage her pride... she did.


After many months of following the Spymasters orders, seemingly getting no where... just digging up information on the sixth house, on the nerevarine prophesies... and having horrible dreams, Caius revealed something that changed her life forever.. the emperor thought she was the fabled nerevarine... and she must fulfill the prophesies.


Her next assignment was to the sixth house base of Illunibi... after fighting through the caves, and making her way to the inner chambers, she came to face Dagoth Gares, she uttered that she would destroy him, but he kept on whispering how Dagoth ur willed her to join the sixth house... and as she made the finishing blow, the ash priest cast upon her the disease of corprus... and a note inviting her to the red mountain.


Completely unsure of what to do, torn between her now waning faith, and her loyalty to her kin... she simply saw no other choice... she was not willing to become a monster in the halls of the corprusarium, she traveled to red mountain... and her life, truly changed, forever.


She walked the citadel of dagoth ur... until at last she reached the inner chambers. "Welcome Nerevar..." She heard the words, and gazed upon the huge form of Dagoth ur... after a long and heated argument, she did as he commanded... she tore out her own eyes... and allowed the power of Dagoth ur to consume her. Transforming her into an Ash slave.


After almost a full year of never reporting back to the Blades, doing her missions for Dagoth ur, and learning so much, she rose to the rank of ascended sleeper... and finally, she was taken into the heart chamber, where she gazed in astonishment at the heart of Lorkhan, it's beating crystaline form enthralling her... she never expected what was coming next, Dagoth Ur struck her down with an Ebony blade, and she fell to her cumbersome knees, as the life faded from her body, her true form began to return, the heart giving her new life Making her part of it, as a heartwight, as the daughter of the heart of lorkhan. She awakened in a new form, that of a tall, beautiful chimer, she looked down upon herself in wonder... and followed her next instructions, from her new leader, dagoth ur. From here, she passed the 7 trials, and truly became the nerevarine, possessing the moon and star, and the title of hortator... she made one final decision... she renounced her vows to the Tribunal, and Dagoth ur alike, and after recovering the tools of kagnerac for Ur, who wished to remove the Tribunals connection from the heart fully, she slipped the moon and star into wraithguard... and watched as dagoth ur put it on, the ring killing him in an instant, any hopes of him regenerating gone.


She at last freed Morrowind from the blight, and now ruled the sixth house in the place of Dagoth Ur... the prophesy completed, although not in a way anyone expected. She then set about the destruction of the blades, having Caius murdered, and driving the imperials from her land, she ruled it as the new queen, Destroying the Tribunal, and bringing unity.


But her reign was only met with the destruction of red mountain... her land, her world destroyed in the fiery blazes... her brothers rendered in a coma. She used her divine magic to conceal the heart of Lorkhan in her own chest... and now, to this day, dreams of Resurrecting her land of morrowind. But hope was all but lost, and she was forgotten in the mists of time, the rumors circulating of the Nervarine leaving, and dying in Akavir, and the dunmer all but forgot her.


Now, she found a new purpose... The Thalmor offered the chance, by deceiving one such as Iodiria, of rebuilding morrowind, they claimed to have the resources... and Iodiria subtly hinted at it's resurrection, never revealing her true self, as she was under a new Identity, a Pale high elf, and after years of following them, she has lost sight from what is right and wrong, devoting herself as High Inquisitor of the Thalmor forces, pulling strings, and executing those in her way.

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... Wow. That is one HUGE sheet. Keep them away from Markarth, We don' like yer types around there :) No but seriously. Great character sheet, don't forget about your first char who is with Cyrus at the moment... :dance: hmm I seem to have forgotten something..... AH yes... Approved! As long as the Thalmor stay out of Markarth, and leave Evil Lord Cyrus to rule his land as HE sees fit, I could care what hold you take. One to a person, please. Thank you come again!
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Quick pair of questions.....


A: Does the (attempted) humor in my newest post bother anyone? (whether offensive, or posting without humor added was better.) Please, let me know what you think. (This is my first RP, after all.)


B: This post doesn't count as spam, does it? (Fearful gulp.)

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Quick pair of questions.....


A: Does the (attempted) humor in my newest post bother anyone? (whether offensive, or posting without humor added was better.) Please, let me know what you think. (This is my first RP, after all.)


B: This post doesn't count as spam, does it? (Fearful gulp.)


No. It pertains to the RP, and Has relevance. Relax. And other than you posts being a little long for my taste (Not telling you ya have to shorten the things, just sayin you write a lot) But I noticed no foul humor, or maybe I wasn't reading write (pun intended) so yeah. I will read it over, but for now, I am saying you are safe.

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For some reason I cannot edit my posts in this thread, (but I will when I can) but I have added some stuff to my character sheet since I like to edit my sheets sometimes.


Click on the spoiler for a redone history and background.



History/Background: Sa'virr was born in Elsweyr, but however grew up in Skyrim. His mother was the only one to take care of him other than his father Renrij, who was always "busy" at the time. Sa'virr never got to see Renrij for more than a minute, as he seemingly tried to avoid Sa'virr at every corner. Sa'virr's mother soon found out that Renrij was a skooma dealer and attempted to talk him down. However, she was murdered by Renrij and as a result, the events left Sa'virr an orphan. Sa'virr eventually found out what happened and managed to escape before Renrij came back to find Sa'virr. He then plotted revenge on his own father and travelled across Skyrim, Cyrodiil and his place of birth Elsweyr, over the years training with different people -- the Khajiit in Elsweyr specifically.


He met a female Khajiit named Chiranji, who was headed for Skyrim to meet with her sibling, at the independent city of Rimmen (near the Cyrodiil border of Elsweyr). She rescued Sa'virr from a bandit trap and killed one of Renrij's friends unintentionally. Sa'virr didn't get the chance to meet her personally, but later when Sa'virr went up to Cyrodiil; Chiranji appeared in the ruins of one city and was looking for a potion that her brother desperately needed when he contacted her. Sa'virr helped her find the book, receiving a Glass Bow in the process and revealing her knowledge of Renrij, leaving Sa'virr confused. She then left for the snow-covered Jerall Mountains, their paths crossing yet again when they both met and defended themselves against a handful of frost trolls. Finally she told Sa'virr of her intentions and how she knew Sa'virr's father Renrij personally. She revealed her mother met Renrij in Elsweyr, when both were not born. Renrij then visited her mother when Chiranji was a child, Renrij tried to kidnap Chiranji but failed when her mother intervened. Her mother kept her safe from Renrij and other skooma dealers until she mysteriously disappeared. Chiranji was found by a man who took care of her until she grew into an adult, the man reluctantly let her go as she was anxious to see her brother again. Chiranji helped Sa'virr to kill Renrij's associates and finally Renrij himself in Elsweyr, who was cornered in a cave and struck with a blade in the heart.


After the events, Sa'virr left Elsweyr for the city of Markarth in Skyrim, where he had not been to yet. Chiranji left for Skyrim as well, albeit a different path to help her brother.


Edited by 62firelight
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