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Legends of Tamriel


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Soulless icy eyes shone from behind the water frozen in time. A red smear left over from her hand was plastered on her cheekbone. She looked more animal than human, like a feline trapped in a corner. Her mind wrapped around the words being spoken to her, and she straightened herself out. Her long delicate fingers tweaked with her hair to put it back in order before she bowed her head in reverence, thinking it was the most appropriate greeting for a Jarl when found in this position.


"I am perfectly alright, my Jarl," she said, fumbling on how to appropriately address him, "I simply took a bit of a tumble on the wet rocks."


She didn't know whether the lie would be believable, but her expression was sincere. If she was going to -move- to this city, she would need to learn to get along with the citizens. The best way would be to rub shoulders with the man in charge. A simple stroll across town accompanied by the Jarl would earn her a citizen's respect. She decided to keep her ambitions low for the time being.


"My name is Kiterin," she said finally, after a long pause to consider her options, "I'm new to Markarth - I just moved here. I'm still trying to figure out where everything is and what my place would be here..."


Other than jail, she thought. She giggled a little to herself, forgetting where she was. Suddenly remembering her manners, she rose her eyes to the Jarl, holding an expression of seriousness or perhaps intensity. She wasn't exactly staring, but giving a subtle warning that she wasn't exactly what she seemed. Whether she was aware she was giving herself away or not was another story.

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Cyrus peers at her intensely. "Young lady, I do not like being lied to. Speak the truth while in my presence. Are you hungry? You look half starved, and the gold you swallowed won't help your digestion any. Yes, I know about that, I happened to have been walking past you on my way back into the city when you did that. Now, come along, I can sort you out for some food. What is your business in Markarth?"
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Feeling drained, she rubbed her soft eyelid with the side of her hand. "A bit peckish..." she answered, truthfully, "oh.. you saw that..." Her words melded together, flowing as if she wasn't speaking them. She was tired. Had she been less drained she would have been angry or embarrassed with herself. Instead she let it go, forgetting her foolish mistake: not being more aware of her surroundings when she was about to commit a crime. In a dizzy motion, she brought her slender finger to the roof of her mouth, gagging herself before heaving the small pouch of gold. She tucked it away and wiped the saliva from her mouth with her arm.


"That's better, then..." she cooed.


Her mind was too numb to think of an excuse for her behavior earlier. "To be quite honest, you said to be honest, so I will...." she said plainly, much...much too plainly for her taste, "I think there is something not quite right with me in the head, you know? I wasn't quite myself, perhaps too much of myself.... Too much then, and I lost a little of my control. It was a weak moment, and I hope you forgive me."


Besides her clear insanity and lack of manners, little or great as it may have been, she was somewhat charming. She said the things she knew most people would want to hear. She knew her speechcraft. "My... business.... in Markarth..." Her eyes flicked to his with a sudden sting before she whetted her lips, trying to think, "..residency... I want to live here... I'm going to be honest, as you told me to, I'm an assassin with the dark brotherhood, and I know a fair bit of necromancy. I'd like to train here, if there is such a place to do that. I figured the city would hold a bit more potential than the outskirts of the Reach..."


She'd either just blown it and was about to get kicked out of the city or finally get somewhere in this town other than her chaotic path taking her where it will. Either way it would be interesting. And that's what it was all about! A sly grin crept from under her vivid eyes.

Edited by Cynster
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Cyrus lets his eyes unfocus in an attempt to read the girl's Aura, and notices one or two things that interested him. "Child, there is no need to use your speechcraft skills on me. An intricate lie is easy for me to figure out. The truth throws me from tine to time. So, you are a user of the necromantic arts, are you? Perhaps you do not know my reputation." He waves a hand and summons a skeleton. "I an known as a powerful necromancer. Also, you seem a little unbalanced, yes. Nothing I cannot help. However, food first, and perhaps a clean robe and a wash?"
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Iodiria looked at the dragon and said "Because we need to discuss exactly what it is we each want out of this alliance, we cannot have conflicting goals."




Selene looked down at the body of Valerica... she rummaged through her things, taking only items of very high value, leaving the vampire ancients dignity. Selene aros once she could hear the whispers of the ideal masters... they were coming to gain there prize, the soul of Valerica... and Selene wasn't about to stand in there way... or was she... she felt a gem in her robes go warm, as the soul of Valerica was sucked into it... "Damn!" Selene said, and rushed to the exit of the soul cairn. She closed the portal and laughed to herself, this soul would provide suitable leverage when dealing with the ideal masters not to get tricked.


She decided that, as soon as the sun fell, she traveled to Markarth, riding on Arvak, the Castle was desperately in need of stone repairs... where better to get it then the quarries of the reach?


She dismounted her horse, and walked into the streets, her heels clacking loudly, the black fur coat she wore dragging on the floor.

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Kiterin sized up the Jarl before her as he spoke. A man who could tell fact from fiction... shine light in the shadows... She wanted to test him. But how... And certainly not now while he was offering to help her. As he produced the skeleton, her eyes flicked to it and back to him with mild interest. To her, the summoning of a skeleton looked simple, but she took him at his word that he was a great necromancer. As a great necromancer, he probably knew something behind the scenes that she didn't, so she decided not to say anything.


"Food and clothing sounds like a good idea.." she said, her current outfit drenched in water. It looked like today she would make an investment and spend her gold on a tactical friendship with the Jarl. Admittedly it sounded good to think someone could bring her back on balance, return her focus. She pulled herself up from behind the waterfall, slipping slightly and catching herself on the wall behind her. Her heart raced as she stared down at the long drop. Carefully she pulled herself back onto the street.


Clack, Clack, Clack, Clack


Like a wild woman, her head whipped around to the stranger in heels. She hadn't noticed her hand fall to the hilt of her dagger hanging from her belt. It was just a woman in a long fur coat.... Her chest heaved in small silent gasps of air, as she tried to calm herself down. She would need to be much less jumpy if she wanted to live in the city. Her whole body was trembling, perhaps from the fatigue of hunger or paranoia - she wasn't exactly sure.

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Selene raised an Eyebrow as the young woman before her put her hand upon her dagger... Selene was more than capable of protecting herself, and she wondered why the woman was so intensely jumpy... and why she was with Cyrus, the woman looked like a commoner... But then again, Selene had a way of making anyone near her look common, perhaps it was a childhood of having everything she wanted? But she was royalty... she walked up the steps faster, her large heels clicking with every step, until she caught up with Cyrus, linking her arm with him, she rested her head on his shoulder as they walked and said in a whisper "It eludes me why you travel with a commoner... but i'm not here for that my love.. i need to buy stone."
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VulViingKonahrik led his detachment of Draugr to Falkreath, and the 500 entered the city, VulViingKonahrik landed in the city and shouted "I claim this place! The Dovah returns!"
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Sahvithzoor rumbled, "Agreed. Very well, fahdoni, I shall state my laan...want. I lived in the times before Alduin's tyranny, when joorre and dov lived side by side in harmony. When the dragon priests enslaved mortal man, I mourned, and I allied myself with the jul against my paar zeymah. Many of them fell to my Thu'um. But, regretfully, as the Dragon Wars wore on, mortals began to distrust even me. To prevent myself from turning upon the very people I protected, I exiled myself to what you joorre call Atmora.


"All dov felt it when Alduin was cast down by the Kel, and so I returned here to Keizaal in hopes that my friends would welcome me again. But they did not. They sought to slay all of my kind, so strong was their hatred. And so I fled once more to the strunmahhe in the west. There I waited for thousands of years until Alduin re-emerged. When Kriid-Alduin destroyed the ved viing dovah, I thought that perhaps the jul had changed, and I could bring back the old ways of drem."


He sighed, the sound not unlike steam whistling through a tea kettle, "But, so far, my efforts have proved fruitless. Which is why I seek assistance in this matter. I believe that the brothers and sisters of the dov, the dovahkinne, are the key to bringing drem to our peoples once again. That is what I desire more than anything else, Iodiria."

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Cyrus turns and smiles at Selene. "Of course my dear. Whatever you need. I can have the arrangements made within an hour. I do not enter the mines, and the foreman leaves in an hour. Take time, rest. This one has potential for power. I was offering her food, clothing, a bed and training. Nothing more. As for Sara, she seems to have found love in the arms of a nord woman. I doubt she needs me anymore." Cyrus turns back towards the young girl. "Come, I will have someone take you somewhere you can rest. Mabel can find you some clothes and other things."
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