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Lord Regent let go and said "Fine. But if you don't want help, then that is fine also... i am not an evil man, i have children of my own... walk with me boy." He said, gesturing for Jacob to walk with him.


Jacob rubbed his shoulder and began to walk with Regent "Thanks for letting go mister" he grumbled, his arm felt limp, he guessed half falling down and being pulled back up can do that to you. Especially when you've only ate a loaf of bread in the past two days

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"Why, yes they do, In fact, they walk primarily whenever I say so. I am a rather powerful necromancer, my dear." Lord Cyrus says, putting the sparkle in her eyes down to the fire.


Neville was sitting in his hidey hole near the border, and hears a guard approaching. "How can I help, guvnor?" He drawls. The guard hands him a piece of paper with the orders. "All right, all right. Karthwasten it is." Neville was a seedy little man, and wore a cloak that covered his whole form. Few payed attention to him, figuring he was an urchin nosing around places for handouts than what he was, which was a rather good spy and counterfeiter. He made his way to Karthwasten and after a little bit, he arrived. He saw the necromancer moving around it, and went up to him. "`scuse me guvnor, but are ye lookin to get across the border there?"

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"What's it to you," Dirmire said looking a Neville, 'Why am I cursed to get all the cr*p in this world first I'm a orphan and now flea bags are calling me govnor, what next flying horses.' Dirmire thought to himself before looking down to neville again.
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Regent raised an eyebrow, and said, "Why of course i let go... i certainly wouldn't beat you to death in the middle of a street no would i? What is your name Son?" He asked, concerned for the young man, he looked deathly thin.


Selene raised an eyebrow... normally this would have disgusted her but... something about her was different "A necromancer? how, may i ask did you take the throne of Markarth? Necromancy is not a favored profession."

Edited by mythicdawnmaster
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"By assassinating the other heirs, and not practising openly until I took the throne, that`s how. I waited until I ruled the hold, then unleashed my Necromantic powers at the first revolt."


Neville looks at the necro with a cheeky grin. "Because I am a spy for Lord Cyrus, that`s why. He heard something strange was goin on down ère and I came to make it stop. You want into Markarth or not?"

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Regent raised an eyebrow, and said, "Why of course i let go... i certainly wouldn't beat you to death in the middle of street no would i? What is your name Son?" He asked, concerned for the young man, he looked deathly thin.


Selene raised an eyebrow... normally this would have disgusted her but... something about her was different "A necromancer? how, may i ask did you take the throne of Markarth? Necromancy is not a favored profession."


"Jacob O'neil... well, actually I'd probably not have a second name if my mother hadn't been an imperial..." Jacob replied, surprised, most people would have called this guards on the spot "You're one of the first people I haven't succeeded in stealing from. Not as though I'm going to see a bloody septim of what I took from any of them though though."

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"Nothing is happening here mybe one of my hybrid zombies escaped so what," Dirmire looked over one of his zombies and point back to the basement, the zombie pulled a sad face and trudged back to the basement. "Yes I want entrance but were am I going to put all of them." Dirmire pointed to a fenced of area full a zombies clawing at the bars,"They're not the easiest to move."
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On a frozen, icy path up the side of a mountain, a cloaked figure battled his way through a blizzard. His cloak, made from the pelt of a black bear, was clenched tightly around him, with his leather ruck sack helping prevent the cloak from flying away in the wind, despite a pin near the neck. Underneath the hood, brown hair flew and a pair of blue eyes wearily regarded the path ahead of him. At least there didn't seem to be any sort of blockage up ahead. He kept making his way through the foot of snow.


Rilgumskar had been out on the road for days now, and his journey had started from dawnstar. He was weary from the blizzard, and as soon as he got off this blasted mountain he would be setting up camp immediately. The nearest inn was about a day's walking the other way, in Winterhold. He was heading home to Windhelm to see family, and to ask an officer in the stormcloaks if his brother and one of his sisters, who had joined a few months ago, were alive and well. He didn't really care too much about the cold, even up on a mountain. He had made his layered fur and leather clothing partially for cold weather, although they were also layered so he could traverse country as warm even as northern cyrodiil. They were as warm as the thickest coats, and his cloak helped keep them dry. Of course, fire spells had helped with warmth and dryness just as well. He noticed that the path was beginning to go downhill now, and breathed a sigh of relief. Soon he would be able to set up camp and sleep, and the venison he had bought at the Dawnstar market wouldn't freeze before he bit it. Rilgumskar was no desperate refugee, by any means. He was used to cold weather, being a nord, and especially so as he was raised in Windhelm. His silver sword clanked at his side, the blade by now so cold it may as well have been enchanted with frost.


Traversing a particularily windy stretch of path halfway down the hill at the base of the mountain, Rilgumskar looked around for a place to set up his tent and rest for the night. A small clearing in the middle of a group of trees was the best he could find, and he set about gathering wood. Putting it in a pile, he hit it with a toned-down fireball to light it. The warmth and light given off by his campfire immediately lifted Rilgumskar's spirits, although they were low in the first place and had been for days. He set up his spit by pulling the pieces out of his bag, and speared it through his venison. He slowly turned the spit to cook it thoroughly, simultaneously pulling a bottle of nord mead out of his pocket and chilling it in the snow. When the venison was done, he carefully took it off the spit and tore into it with ravenous teeth. Combined with his chilled mead, he was soon sated for the evening, and contented himself by warming his hands and feet by the fire. He wasn't drunk by any means, so he thought it safe enough to dry off his clothes, too. Once that was all said and done, he set up his tent and put his sleeproll underneath, stripped down to his undergarments, and went to sleep.

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