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Legends of Tamriel


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Lord Cyrus leans closer as well, his face mere inches away from hers, and on a slight angle. "Why , I do believe it is ripe for the taking, assuming you do not mean to kill me." He says, moving in and kissing her.


Neville looks at the necromancer, head tilted on it`s side, "Are you thick or sumfin? You do know the Jarl is a Necromancer too, right? You walk up with those zombies, and let me do the talkin. You will be in before you can say Klatu Verata Nictu!"

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Lord Regent continued walking, he said "How is that so my lad? what a man earns is his to keep... unless of course you are in that thieves guild? I won't judge you for being a thief... because all of us are thieves. We steal from the gods every day."


"I would have thought a guild of thieves would have let you keep what you steal anyway, they can't exactly judge can they?" Jacob said, deliberately avoiding the question

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"Well you would think my boy... but no, they pay you what they think is acceptable... Now you are being just like that daughter of mine... deliberately avoiding questions... so how is it that you steal, you earn you gold in a less... honest way, but you do not keep it?" Lord Regent asked.


Selene pulled away quickly before the kiss developed "I do beg you are pardon Lord... but i am not a common harlot. I have not even known you a minute, yet here you are forcing your tongue down my throat... am i that irresistible?" She said, a fanged smile.

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"Well you would think my boy... but no, they pay you what they think is acceptable... Now you are being just like that daughter of mine... deliberately avoiding questions... so how is it that you steal, you earn you gold in a less... honest way, but you do not keep it?" Lord Regent asked.


Selene pulled away quickly before the kiss developed "I do beg you are pardon Lord... but i am not a common harlot. I have not even known you a minute, yet here you are forcing your tongue down my throat... am i that irresistible?" She said, a fanged smile.


"As long as I get to keep something, I'd be happy. My father takes it you see, says he needs to take it for us to survive, then he leaves at night, comes back in the morning and usually gives me some food... if he doesn't just fall down moaning about being hungover... if he even makes it home..." Jacob said, resentment in his voice

Edited by Brutii
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Lord Cyrus looks at her, with an even bigger smile than before. "Not just a beauty, but a vampire as well? My my this has turned into my lucky day has it not? Yes, my dear, I do find you incredibly irresistible. Undeath has always held a fascination for me, and I would love it if I could become a Vampire. I could become a Lich, but they get all bony."


Neville looks hurt. "I`m a spy, not a backstabber. Come on!" He leads the way to the gate guards and says, "E`s a potential new recruit who jus`forgot the password." The guard sneers at the necromancer. "Good enough to be brought here, but not good enough to remember a word on a paper, you`ll last long." He says sarcastically. He grabs a parchment. "Sign here, here and here."

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Selene laughed "I prefer the term... eternally young, to undead... Was that you asking me to make you a creature of the night?... no... my dear Lord Cyrus... i would only sire one who makes me the only creature in his life... who is kind to me, who knows me... maybe i could stay here in Markarth a while, and if you impress me... well."


Lord Regent stopped, and made sure there was no-one around "My boy... am i right in saying that all these bruises... these cuts... are caused by the man that dares call himself your father?... he does not feed you... he does not care for you... and judging by the tone of your voice... he does not love you? If so... would you like somewhere to stay for the night? Fresh food in your belly... and maybe you could accidentally slip me a few details as to how your 'Father' is a traitor to the empire, so he never could, if he has, harm you again?" Regent said, figuring out the situation almost immediately, intent on helping this young man.

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Dirmire signed the papers,"What about them?" he said pointing to the crowd of about 23 Zombies,"there were 30 on the way here but somebody ate 7," Dirmire said glared at a really fat zombies who cowwerd and burged up a leg.
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"But of course my dear. So long as my people don`t get slaughtered too much, I need them you know, then you are welcome as long as you like, longer, if you wish. Please, I can have a miner or a servant sent to you if you need sustenance. However, you are here as a guest, you are not permitted to countermand my orders or regime."


The guard looks at the zombies. "The bandit`s will likely take them out by the time you get to Markarth. But assuming they make it there in one piece, you will be held responsible for their behavior. Now Sign! Good," The guard brings a large stamp on the parchment with a BANG, and hands the form to him. "Go. Welcome to the Reach. Make your way to Markarth. Good Day!"

Edited by BaldurAnthology
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Selene laughed "I prefer the term... eternally young, to undead... Was that you asking me to make you a creature of the night?... no... my dear Lord Cyrus... i would only sire one who makes me the only creature in his life... who is kind to me, who knows me... maybe i could stay here in Markarth a while, and if you impress me... well."


Lord Regent stopped, and made sure there was no-one around "My boy... am i right in saying that all these bruises... these cuts... are caused by the man that dares call himself your father?... he does not feed you... he does not care for you... and judging by the tone of your voice... he does not love you? If so... would you like somewhere to stay for the night? Fresh food in your belly... and maybe you could accidentally slip me a few details as to how your 'Father' is a traitor to the empire, so he never could, if he has, harm you again?" Regent said, figuring out the situation almost immediately, intent on helping this young man.


"He..." Jacob paused, it was a tempting offer, getting rid off his father, finally eating something other than maggoty bread, but his father was still his father. And he was the only family left that Jacob knew about "... no, sir. He's still my father, however evil he can be. I'll be free of him in a few months any way. I'll see how long he lasts when he hasn't got money for booze and skooma on his hands 24/7" Jacob said

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