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Legends of Tamriel


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Rilgumskar was merely a mile out from Windhelm now, and it was almost the evening. In no time he had successfully reached Windhelm, and not died along the way. First thing he would do is check with a stormcloak officer to see if his two stormcloak siblings were alive and well. That way, he wouldn't be in for a nasty surprise tommorow morning if they weren't, and he could tell his brother and sister on the farm their state immediately. Heading up the bridge to the main gates, several familiar guards greeted him, and he strode into the city. Judging from the laughing and singing that came from Candlehearth Hall, the drinking was already getting started. He passed by the Hall, the entrance the Gray Quarter, and through the entrance to the palace. Once he was inside the palace, he was puzzled to see that Ulfric Stormcloak wasn't on his throne, but then, maybe he was sitting in Solitude right now. And wherever Ulfric was, it was a sure-fire bet that Galmar Stone-Fist would be there too. Rilgumskar pushed those thoughts from his mind. He needed to look for a Stormcloak officer. Looking around, he didn't see anyone with a bear's hide on their head, although there had to be one around somewhere.


"Excuse me, sir, do you know who I should check with to see if my siblings are unharmed?" He asked one stormcloak.

"Um, I think that you would need to talk to our officer, Tegyir. He should be in the map room." She replied.

"Thank you kindly. Here, something tells me you would appreciate this. Drink it now or later, doesn't matter. Farewell!" He handed her a bottle of chilled mead, and walked off.


Walking into the map room, he did indeed see a man wearing a bear on his head.


"Are you Tegyir?" He asked the fearsome-looking nord.

"Yes. I don't mean to be rude, but I'm quite busy. Is there something you need?"

"I was wondering if my siblings were alive. Jerygg and Felda Frost-Back?" He asked. It seemed an odd family name, but his family was used to the cold, so the name was quite accurate.

"One minute, let me check the listings......... almost there........ here they are. Yes, you're siblings are alive, although Jerygg took a mage's lightning bolt to the arm during the battle for Solitude, it doesn't say he'll be permanently affected. You have some good news for your family, it seems." He closed the massive book and returned to examining the map.

"Thank you, thank you! You've really made a grieving man's day. Here, for your trouble." He handed the man a small bag of gold, and walked off.


It didn't take long for him to get back to Candlehearth Hall. It was already dark, as he had spent a lot of time looking for Tegyir, or rather, someone who knew that Tegyir was who needed talking to.


As he walked into Candlehearth Hall, he was greeted by Elda Early-Dawn, (the innkeeper) Captain Lonely-Gale, and several others. But most of all, it would appear that he was not the only one who decided he wanted to go to Candlehearth Hall that night.


"BROTHER! c'mere, have a drink on me!" Rilgumskar's brother Themling sat at a table in the corner, along with his sister, Sihilde. Both seemed to be getting drunk, although they weren't there yet. He pulled up a chair and sat down beside them.

"There you are! where have 'ya been?" Themling practically roared at him. When he drank, he got friendly, but also very loud. And slightly obnoxious.

"An ancient Nordic tomb. Whiterun, then Riften, then Falkreath. In that order." he answered. The memories of that time were not pleasant, and his face sagged again.

"Wait, Falkreath? why would you go to all of those places, and then go back to Falkreath?" his sister connected the dots before he could answer. "Did someone die?"

".....Yeah. But you want to know who didn't die? Jerygg or Felda. They're both alive and well, although Jerygg won't be swinging a sword anytime soon." Rilgumskar was purposefully evading the question, and his sister could tell. (Themling was too drunk to notice little things.)

"GREAT! I can still drink with my brother every now and again!" Themling was now a flushed, cherry red. Rilgumskar used a bit of frost magic to chill his next drink for him. (He bellowed happily and downed it in one gulp.)

"Why won't Jerygg be using his arm?" Sihilde asked. Her eyebrows furrowed in concern.

"From what Tegyir tells me, an Imperial mage shot him with a bit of lightning. Nothing he can't handle." Rilgumskar smiled slightly, imagining Jerygg pummeling the wizard to death with a single hand. "He'll be fine."

Sihilde nodded, although Jerygg wasn't her main concern, for the moment. "By the way, Ma and Pa are doing alright, although they'll be in bed now. No doubt they'll wish to see you in the morning."

"Till then, let's drink!" Rilgumskartold his siblings.

Edited by Flipout6
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Dirmire walked to his chambers and told Tubs to stay guard outside while he slept the night. Dirmire had nightmares about the killer of his parents coming after him so he got up and walked around the underkeep for a while.
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As the figure drew out of the dark bush, Waldo readied Vuthoen, however with his left arm injured he was only able to keep up the act of aggression. "You goods or your life scum!" The black figured shouted. Strangely, his voice was a higher pitch than most, and he had almost no muscles on him. Waldo couldn't tell if he had a bit of fear in his voice or not. "Such a small child-like man you are.. why do you bother me with small threats on my life. Don't you see I could slice you apart like parchment?" Hopefully that threat was enough to stop the thief from advancing. "Idiot! Do not insult me!" The baby man yelled. With that he charged. Waldo was forced to drop Vuthoen and grab a hold of the man's right arm with his own right hand. A struggle ensued, which only lasted a few moments. Waldo had been right, baby man had no muscle. He was wondering how he would even be able to drive that dagger into him with his little arms. Waldo put a vice grip on the baby mans hand, crushing it. He screamed in pain and his grip went limp. Waldo grabbed the knife and stabbed the little man in the throat. As his gurgling sounds lessened and became rasps, Waldo took the knife out and cast it aside. Shaking with adrenaline, he picked up Vuthoen and tried not to look back at the poor baby man dying on the ground.
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Selene smiled "And why would i do that? i am sure your regime is just fine as it is."


Lord Regent sighed, and looked at Jacob with his honest eyes, and said "Jacob... please... allow me to help you... A man that mistreats his son is not a man, he is not a father... he does not deserve a loyal boy like you... but rather than wait... let me take care of him... in whatever way you choose... he can be imprisoned if you would prefer.. that way he would still be alive... you see... i do not have a son.... and i would be willing... i would be willing to have you as my son, as my heir... now this may sound far fetched but... i can promise it is not, allow me to help you, let me give you a life." Regent offered, he meant it... he would support the boy, even if he wished to continue on as a thief... he could not bear to see such a soul be wasted.


Jacob couldn't decide. It really was a quick way out, but it would be cheating. Then again, what part of stealing wasn't cheating? " It's a tempting offer, but..." Jacob paused again, damn decisions. Why not take it? A chance at a new life, an escape... but somehow he felt if he took the chance his father would be 'winning'. It was a completely ridicoulas idea, but he still couldn't get rid of it. Finally, he continued "it would mean my father would have won..."

Edited by Brutii
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Rorik gazed out over the plains near Whiterun. He was crouched patting a wolf that had decided to bless him with her company. He was pensively thinking about all hat had unfolded in the recent years as his armor gleamed with freshly fallen snow in the sun. He remembered when the dragons had gathered at the peak of the Throat of the World and had sang to the Dovahkiin after his defeat of Alduin. Parthunax had flown off to speak with the other dragons and stop their rampages. Solitude had been won, it was a bloody battle but it had been worth it to get rid of the Empire in Skyrim. He lost many good men that day, at least now he could lose no more. Rorik wondered about his sister in Windhelm and what had become of Ulfric and Galmar. He presumed that the Jarls had carled a Moot and named Ulfric high king considering he put most of them on their thrones, but Rorik had lived in isolation since the end of the war and remained on the mountain, thinking about life and meditating on his Thu'um. The greybeards would not admit him to High Hrothgar to study, they even denied his dragon blood. He tried not to dwell on that though, it made his blood boil.


Rorik noticed a man travelling up the path near him and the wolf nearby growled. "Shhh. He means no harm to you." Rorik said authoritatively and the wolf quieted down and tucked her tail between her legs. Rorik rose and noticed that it was not Klimek or the Dovahkiin coming up the steps. "Ho there! What brings you up the great mountain?" Rorik called. It was not every day that he saw a stranger on the mountain. It looked like the individual was bearing a heavy pack, perhaps supplies for the greybeards.

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Cyrus gets distracted by a courier running up and handing him a stack of papers. He leafs through them, "Blast it! Not again! Sorry my dear, something has come to my attention, I must attend to it. I am certain you can see yourself around the museum?" He says, rushing off to deal with the reports. It seemed something was going on in a nearby ruin. Some citizens had been taken prisoner. Not on his watch. Only HE could torment his citizens!
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Sa'virr kept walking along the road, killing the usual bandit and passing many caves. Soon, he was at Falkreath; a hold Sa'virr had been to and familiar with. The town was silent as he passed through to the Cyrodiil border, and all the villagers near the Khajiit glanced at him for a short second, returning to what they were doing soon after.


The Khajiit then passed a tower, Peak's Shade Tower, but the occupants in there did not notice him walking by. He could soon see a opening on the right with the path following on from there, the Khajiit took this path and kept continuing along this path until he reached a rocky dead end but was easily avoided by going up a hill on the right. Another path came into sight and Sa'virr followed this one as well till a path marked by dirt came into Sa'virr's view. The Khajiit went along this one, the terrain becoming more snow-like as he went on and on.


Sa'virr stopped when he saw a Dark Elf necromancer raising dead bandits from their rest near a snow-covered pine tree. About to pull out an arrow from his quiver, Sa'virr stopped when he heard a sound of a summon. A Frost Atronach suddenly appeared, its size slowing it down as it ran to the enemies. With its strength, it managed to stab a revived bandit through the chest and throw it against the remaining enemies that included the necromancer, killing all of them. Sa'virr knew who this was, -- Tsava, a female Khajiit capable of magic.

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Halfway to the exit, Cyrus stops, and rushes back to Selene. "Perhaps you would like to see a Necromancer in combat? I can cast the necessary enchantments for you not to get harmed by the sunlight. Oh, and I assure you, no harm will come to you while within my walls while I am around. Had a vampire envoy here the other week. Shall we?" He offers.
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