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Legends of Tamriel


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Cyrus links arms with her once again, and begins walking towards the exit, "Some bandits have kidnapped some of my wealthier citizens. I need to remind them only I get to torment my citizens, plus, I need the Rich on my side. The poor, when i am in a good mood I will be generous to. Or kill to cheer myself up." Cyrus gives his genuine, most handsome smile. Two beggar women blushed as he passed them.
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Selene smiled, noticing the admiration and envy of her in the beggars eyes... how those two beggar women wanted to be right where Selene was... "Oh indeed, the rich must always come first... but in Cyrodiil i am known for my generosity to the poor. Now then, i assume that these bandit's arent far from here?"
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"Indeed not, just a short while down the road." He says, freeing his hand for a moment ti snap his fingers at the gate guards, who rushed to open the massive golden gates of Markarth. Taking her arm again, he says. 'I do love getting exercise like this though. I rarely get to have this much fun. This time, I think I will kill them, Resurrect them, then make them Dance down the throat of the world. A dance I saw in a foreign land called a Riverdance, which is a tap dance as I am sure you are aware. Your thoughts?" He says, now halfway to the location. His long strides covered the ground easily.
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"Indeed? Well, I should visit your home at some point, hmm?" Cyrus says. "Oh look, we've arrived. Time to get to work." Cyrus says, casting Icy Spear on the bandit guarding the entrance. A 6 foot long spear made of Ice slammed into and through the man's head, and the man collapses dead. "Shall we?" He says, resurrecting the body to help keep the crush off of him,
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Cyrus stretches, and says "Of course, my dear. Shall we?" He strides into the fort, summons a bound blade, and stabs the bound blade into the heart of the first bandit he saw. He twists the blade, and rips out the man's heart, and shows it to him, as the last thing he'd ever see.
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Rilgumskar awoke the next day with a minor hangover. He had gotten minorly drunk, but he walked home easily enough. That was more than could be said for Themling. His brother had somehow managed to down ten more ales of strong mead (all chilled with frost magic by his youngest brother.) before he knocked out Rolff Stone-Fist, experienced hallucinations, and passed out. When he woke up and started staggering back to the farm with Rilgumskar and Sihilde in tow, he used a mud crab as a frisbee (It wasn't pleased.) challenged the river to an honourable duel to the death, and started crying and searching for "Cuddles", who had disappeared over a snow bank. (It was named Cuddles because it had tried to take his fingers off when he threw it.) He was snoring and walking simultaneously when he walke in the door, too.


He won't get over his hangover for days, thought Rilgumskar. He felt a small twinge of pity for his brother. He also felt an uncontrollable urge to laugh.


He climbed out of bed, finding that Sihilde had left some fresh clothes out for him. He changed into the basic brown shirt and darker brown pants, and walked out of his room. Sihilde was stoking a roaring fire in the fireplace, and Themling's snoring nearly shook the house. Rilgumskar was content. This place was the closest thing he had to a permanent home. (He would have it no other way. He travelled too much to blow 20 000 gold on a house.) Themling and Sihilde had obviously done very well with the farm. The roof had a layer of stone over top the thatched straw, which was good, because if Rilgumskar got angry a misplaced fireball would set the house on fire. The fence was no longer a bunch of sticks held together with spit and prayers, but also made of stone, although it wasn't a castle wall. They had even managed to afford mattresses, and high-quality pillows and plankets. and sheets. Most beds in Skyrim were literally hay with an animal hide on top, with another animal hide for a blankets, with rolled-up leather for pillows. But these were soft silk ones, and were completely unlike anything Rilgumskar was used to. He was used to his bedroll.


Sihilde looked at him from the fireplace. "Hangover? you certainly look like you have one." she smiled at him.

"Only a small one. Maybe Themling will throw me head-first into the river again. It certainly gets rid of weariness or a headache." He grinned, broad and wide. He was happy to be home, even if it was for a visit.


Sihilde picked up on his cheery mood and decided not to discuss whatever it was that troubled him.... Yet. "How long will you be staying with us, brother?" she inquired. She wasn't expecting him to stay for too long, he seldom did. She didn't mind, he came often, and they always had a good time while he was visiting (Usually at the local tavern.)

"I'll probably be leaving by noon tommorow. I hear Markarth could definitely use some help."

Sihilde got worried again. "Are you sure? the entire Reach is dangerous. The Jarl is a crazed necromancer."

Rilgumskar laughed. "Come now, when have I ever avoided a place just because it was dangerous? The entire reason I'm going there is because it's dangerous... For both me and regular people. If I can save one person by helping out there, well then, by Shor, that'll have made a world of difference to an entire family. I have no doubt that sounded obscenely and unnecessarily heroic."

Sihilde almost came up with a retort, but had to smile at that last sentence. Her brother had always tried to make people laugh. (Sometimes it even worked.) "What do you want to do today? We always try to enjoy ourselves when you visit."

"I have a productive idea that should be fun. How about I teach you two some restoration magic?"



It turned out that teaching those two some restoration magic was indeed quite fun. Themling and Rilgumskar would beat the stuffing out of each other (for fun.) and then one of the three of them would heal the injuries. Sihilde turned out to be quite good at it. Themling mixed up healing magic with a bottle of mead, and accidentally broke it over Rilgumskar's head. Extra practice never hurt anybody, until then. Sihilde couldn't stop laughing at the antics of her brothers, and they kept competing to see who could break a nose faster. (Themling clocked Rilgumskar with a right hook, setting his already broken nose back into place, and then broke it again in the next punch.) Rilgumskar taught them both the basic spell Healing and Healing Hands, incase Themling managed to fall into the fireplace in a drunken stupor. By the end of the day, both of them were decent enough at it that they could heal broken bones and knife-wounds, although it took all of their magicka reserves. (They weren't mages.) At noon, they went into town to buy some things. Sihilde went grocery shopping while Rilgumskar bought Themling an axe. Not just an axe, but the biggest battleaxe he could find. There was a somber moment when Themling swore not to use it during a bar brawl, or on Cuddles the frisbee. He got Sihilde a brand-new dress made out of the softest silk he could find. They deposited everything at the farm and then went to Candlehearth hall for dinner again. This time Themling brought Cuddles, and it (Or, rather, "he") tried so hard to disembowel the bard (Rilgumskar couldn't blame Cuddles, really.) that Themling had to put him on a leash. Rilgumskar didn't drink as much, and was perfectly fine when they walked back to the house

Edited by Flipout6
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OOC>Kudos to whoever gets the reference I make in this post.


The man walking up the mountain side stopped and stared at Rorik strangely, "How long have you been up here? You been living in a cave? Klimek died last Spring."


It felt like a hammer blow. Rorik was stunned. He hadn't seen Klimek in a long time but the kind man uually went a few weeks or even months at a time between journeys to High Hrothgar and would gladly let adventurers or pilgrims already on their way deposit his burden on account of his arthritis. But Rorik had never thought that Klimek was dead. "What happened?" Rorik asked, suddenly quite pale and forlorn.


"He started up the mountain but had a fall, broke his leg. It got infected and the poor man passed on. We couldn't get a healer in time to save him. He's in the Hall of Shor now though. Tis a better place." The stranger replied gravely.


"Aye." Replied Rorik, "So are you taking up his old duties? What's your name stranger, I haven't seen you."


"My name is Jormangundr Hammer-Scourge. I was visiting family in Ivarstead when Klimek fell ill. I helped his family after he passed and there was no one in town to bring supplies up the mountain so I volunteered to bring them to the Greybeards, but I'll be moving on when I get back down the mountain." The man replied.


"Safe journey to ye friend. Would you care for a guide up the rest of the steps? Or do you prefer to take them in solitude?"


"I've had enough loneliness, some company would be much appreciated." Jormangundr replied.


So off upon the trail they started. They wound their way up the rest of the mountain side. There was not far to go from where Rorik had first met the man and they made High Hrothgar by nightfall. After Jormangundr dropped off the supplies for the Greybeards, Rorik bid him farewell, he heard a strange sound in the distance he wanted to investigate.


Indeed, this strange sound was actually the roar of the great dragon Parthunax. Rorik watched him fly over head to his home on the summit of the mountain and suddenly was filled with a resolve. Rorik stepped forward and opened the heavy metal doors to High Hrothgar.

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