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Legends of Tamriel


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Lord Regent smiled and put his arm on Jacob's shoulder, as they continued to walk towards the city gates "Then welcome to the Family... son."


Jacob smiled, it was defiantly the right choice, prehapes now he'd actually have a family which cared... his mother had cared... but she was dead now. "Where do you live?" Jacob asked, curious

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"I'd like to say the imperial palace but... no. I am quite happy with my current home, me and my daughter live in the Regent family manor, out in the west weald... lovely estate." He replied, flicking his wrist at the guards, who opened the gates for him. A messenger from the palace came running and said "My lord... i apologize for the intrusion your grace... But Lady Selene has gone to Skyrim, she said she will be back soon." He then turned and ran back to the palace, Regent sighed and said "Take my advice... if you have a daughter, never let her out of your sight."
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Cyrus takes Selene's arm, and begins walk back towards Markarth. Before Long, they were arriving at the gigantic Golden Gates.He snaps his fingers and the guards rush to open the Massive gates of Markarth. He continues the walk to the palace, and before long, He arrives at the Underkeep. "Well, my dear, we really should do this again. I need to wash and change. Shall I join you at Dinner?"
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"I'd like to say the imperial palace but... no. I am quite happy with my current home, me and my daughter live in the Regent family manor, out in the west weald... lovely estate." He replied, flicking his wrist at the guards, who opened the gates for him. A messenger from the palace came running and said "My lord... i apologize for the intrusion your grace... But Lady Selene has gone to Skyrim, she said she will be back soon." He then turned and ran back to the palace, Regent sighed and said "Take my advice... if you have a daughter, never let her out of your sight."


"I won't" Jacob said, grinning "I take it she causes you trouble sometimes, then? Like vanishing off to skyrim like that?"


VulViingKonahrik roared. VulViingKonahrik swooped. VulViingKonahrik was getting so bored being so isolated from anything living. Sure, the draugr and dragon priests were good soldiers and servants, but they didn't exactly make for good conversation, and there is much a 5000 year old dragon often wishes to say.

Edited by Brutii
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After Themling had managed to stumble to bed, Rilgumskar decided to do the same. (Without the stumbling.) Then Sihilde stepped in front of him, blocking the entrance to his room. Rilgumskar stopped in his tracks. He knew what was coming.

"What is it that's got you so upset lately?" She asked. A look of concern flashed over her face, because a look of grief had flashed over his. "you've been hiding it pretty well, but whatever happened, it's left you all shaken up."

Rilgumskar sighed. "Thelda was my best friend. No, we weren't in love... yet. We met in Whiterun, and she taught me to smith a little. I taught her some spells, like I taught you today. We adventured together, for a good long while. We decided along the road that we'd help people, as well as looting bandit holes. So, we did that. By then, we were pretty close, and we went to Ivarstead. A tomb near there was occupied by necromancers that were bringing back the dead. Draugr, skeletons, even ghosts, which can't be hurt by steel. The town guard asked if we could put a stop to it, and we said we could. So we tried." He stopped for a second.

"And then?" Sihilde encouraged.

"And then we cleared out the necromancers, and went on to the few remaining draugr. Thelda took on three at once and won, but then the Scourge I was fighting used the Thu'um, knocked her over and sent me to the other side of the room. By the time I checked him he already had his axe deep in her chest." Sihilde could see him tearing up, now. "She was.... dead, when I tried to heal her. She was beyond help even before I dragged her out of the tomb. I told her family, in Whiterun, and we arranged her burial in Falkreath. Then I came up here."

"What happened to the draugr?" she asked.

"I put a blade through his face."

Sihilde was, quite frankly, shocked. She had never known that Thelda had died. She had been a lovely young woman, and only fierce when she had to be. Rilgumskar had introduced her to his family a year ago, and he smiled a lot when he was around her. Rilgumskar had a tear streaking down his face at this point. The only thing Sihilde could say was "she died a hero, brother."

"When she could have lived as one. Do you know how close I was to saving her? If I had a second- no, less than a second, she would be alive and well and in this house as we speak. I hit him literally as the axe was finishing her off. We hit our targets simultaneously. She died just as I killed the draugr.You don't know how much it weighs on my concience to have been MILLISECONDS late." Grief had turned into a fury that Rilgumskar could barely contain. Necromancers! if it wasn't for them disturbing the dead and endangering people for their own selfish needs, Thelda would still be alive. Rilgumskar thundered into his room and went to sleep for the night, leaving Sihilde to absorb their conversation.

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Selene smiled and said "Indeed my lord, i shall be glad to have dinner... although i must return to my father tomorrow, to tell him i am alright, then i can return to Skyrim for a while, here with you."


Lord Regent laughed and said "Yes my boy, yes she does... despite being 23 years of age, my daughter still gets into all kinds of trouble... She has always wanted siblings you know, so i am sure it will be good for her to finally have a brother... believe me, she can come across as aloof, high and arrogant... the girls vanity has consumed her... but she is a good woman, scary as her in a bad mood is..." Lord Regent said, he then added, jokingly "I swear Selene on a bad hairday?... forget mehrunes dagon..."

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Waldo had finally found civilization. For a short time at the least. He had arrived in Windhelm. The place where old Ulfric Stormcloak had once staged a rebellion against the Imperial Legion. Unfortunately, as Waldo had heard, it didn't go as planned, and the rebellion failed. As Waldo strode through, he passed a dark alleyway that he recognized as the grey quarter. A place where Dunmer, or dark elves lived. A lot of nords here in Windhelm were very racist against all sorts of mer and beastfolk. Waldo, however wasn't at all. After taking a quick look around the city, scoping out shops and the forge of course, Waldo headed into Candlehearth Hall, a nice inn in the center of the city. Inside was warm and filled with a multitude of different races. In the corner, he saw a group of babbling Dunmer, being very loud and obnoxious. One was apparently making gestures as if telling a tale of her husband, or perhaps she was just stumbling around. About four or five Nord looking men sat at the bar each with a tankard in front of themselves. Drinking there sorrows away Waldo thought with a vague expression. A Breton barmaid maid walked up to him asking, "Would you like anything to drink my sir?"

"Ah, of course, I'll have Black-Briar Mead, thank you" Waldo gave her fifteen septims in exchange for the ice cold brandy. He sat at the bar, at the last stool, drinking slowly. He set his drink down to take out a small trinket that his mother had given him a year or so back. It was a simple silver pendant at first look, but if inspected, one could see ornate patterns and designs etched into the metal. Waldo opened it and stared at the ruby inside.

It was the only thing that his parents had had that was valuable. His mother kept it from when she was a child. Her mother had given her that ruby when she found it on the side of the road. Ever since, she'd kept it close as a remembrance. Her mother had died two weeks later when a tree fell on the house, crushing her and there cat instantly.

Looking up, Waldo clasped the amulet shut and put it back in his pocket.

Edited by TheBrownCow
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The morning after he had told Sihilde about Thelda, Rilgumskar awoke and packed his gear for the long journey to Markarth. He was dressed in a simple short and trousers when he left his room to talk with his siblings. Sihilde had obviously told Themling to give Rilgumskar some space, because they didn't talk much. It had been a quiet morning when Rilgumskar packed up and left to get a treat for Sihilde for the way he had stormed off on her last night, and walked into Candlehearth hall for the last time during his visit. He bought a bottle of Black-Briar mead for Themling, and two bottles of honningbrew mead for Sihilde. (Her favourite.) He also bought himself some food supplies for the road. He ate breakfast as well, a bowl of piping-hot venison stew. He found himself thinking that he had put a dent in his financial resources over the last two days, and would probably need to raid a bandit's hideout or ancient Nord ruin to replenish those supplies. While he was thinking about the things he would need for the road, he overheard a pair of tavern patrons discussing a traveller that had come into the inn the night before. They seemed to be mostly interested in his eyes, which were "captivating", and an ebony battleaxe "the size of a child" that he carried. Rilgumskar's interest was piqued for a minute, but then he figured that the man could be anywhere. He could have up and left as Rilgumskar was talking to Sihilde, and be halfway to Winterhold for all Rilgumskar knew. He still found himself wondering about the man.
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"Raksada..brother. It is good to see you again.. now, about that potion you sent me to ge-"

"Chiranji, I know." Raksada interrupted. "The potion, do you know why I told you to "fetch" it for me?"

"Was it for an alchemy experiment?"

"No. The potion you have gotten for me, you may not know what it is at first, but it is critical to saving a person's life." Sa'virr appeared in view behind Chiranji and though he was not seen easily, Raksada noticed him and glared suspiciously.

"Chiranji, this is your friend?"

Before Chiranji had a chance to answer, Sa'virr quickly replied,

"Yes, Chiranji is my friend. I find her regularly now, and she has been of great help to my revenge on Renrij." Sa'virr walked forward, to beside Chiranji. She nodded "It's true. I have helped him kill his father."


"Very well then, let's proceed and I'll talk about it in more.. detail." Raksada looked at Sa'virr one last time and led both of them to a hidden, dark cave that leads to a chamber Chiranji had not seen before. Chiranji was in front, and Sa'virr was right behind her. Once into the chamber, Raksada began to talk. "I have been working hard to save.." Raksada paused for a second, "Well, you might be surprised, Chiranji.. but I have worked to save our.. mother."


Chiranji rushed up to Raksada "What? She's.. alive?" Chiranji had a surprised look on her face, "But what happened.. if she's alive.. where is she?" Raksada shook his head slowly, "She is indeed alive, but there is one thing; our mother isn't well. She's caught the Rattles from a trap near a bandit camp." Chiranji could not believe what she was hearing, "Raksada, I know you wouldn't lie about anything. But show me my mother, please." Raksada nodded, "I wouldn't lie about this, Chiranji. I will show you. Come with me."

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