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Legends of Tamriel


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"Oh? What would that be, hmm? To go to Castle Volkihar, and ask Lady Selana to turn you? Since Harkon died, she has ruled that castle. I tried many years ago, and was turned away at the door. However, with the primed chalice, perhaps you would have better luck than I did, So long as you hold your end of the bargain, and grant me your heart, I will lend you the chalice." The miles sped beneath the hooves of the horses. Eventually, around midnight, they arrived at a hill. "We are here." He points at what looks like a mine that has collapsed.
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Selene smiled and said "Serana is nothing. She and the dragonborn continued adventuring for years with eachother... she got cured of Vampirism, and now all she can do is hide, seek refuge with what tiny thread of the Harkons cult remains.. No, i plan on starting a new line of blood. My own line."
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"Did she? A fact I was not aware of. I have not concerned myself with the affairs of Castle Volkihar for some time. Now, you are probably wondering what we are doing near a collapsed mineshaft. It marks the hidden doorway to the vault. Behold!" He raises his hands, and a nimbus of black energy surrounds him. He points his hand at the door, and pricks his finger with a pin from his robe. A single, glistening, ruby red drop of blood glistens on the end of his finger, and falls to the ground. A flash of light, and a section of ground swirls away as black mist, revealing a large stone disc in the ground. He walks forward, and presses his still bleeding hand into the central disc, and calls "Selene, place your hand on top of mine, This door takes 2 to open."
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Cyrus kisses Selene, to keep her eyes away from the magic pressure pad she had just revealed for him, a strange dwemer thing with buttons, which when pressed in the right way would start the disc in it`s decline drop, to form stairs. He pushes the buttons, and with a grating of stone on stone, the stairs started descending. Nipping gently at Selene's tongue, he pulled away, and lifted his hand, hiding the keypad. "Shall we my dear?"
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Cyrus leads the way down into the secret halls of his vault, purple magic fires springing up within the corridors. Before long, he arrived at the large chamber in which all his Vampiric artifacts are kept. Turning to Selene, he says. "This room contains all my Vampiric artifacts. The cup, some rings, a bow. These are salvaged, from different places by chance, or from when I managed to sneak into Vokihar years ago, that was the Bow. Take a look around. When you are ready, we can proceed with lowering the field around the cup."
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Traveling through the countryside had been uneventful. Markarth was still a long distance off and he wasn't planning on getting there in a hurry. Sometimes he liked to take in his surrounding. The lack of conflict disappointment to Waldo for he much wanted a good battle to warm his bones. His arm was still bandaged, but he didn't think anything of it. To be sure it healed fast he drank a potion guaranteed to seal up wounds quick. Just as the two of them came into a small wooded area, a twig snapped. It sounded like nothing, but Waldo was on the look out for any movement. A small burred creature caught his eye.
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Selene looked intently at each of the artifacts, noting that the rings held some sort of meaning the normal vampire, they increased the potency of abilities like vampiric seduction. She then walked over to the bow and examined it... It was a very nasty thing, enchanted with powerful poison, and a life draining ability, it was certainly something to be feared.


She walked over to the field the Chalice was being held in, and said to Cyrus "I am ready my love... and i hope you are to... things will change with this chalice."

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"More than you know, my dear. There is another bow here, with the last of rare tainted arrows. I have saved it for a special reason. Now, go over to that pillar, and say the following words, Carborum, magicalus, fieldum, dispellar, finité. I shall take care of the rest. Tell me when you are ready," He walks to the other pillar, and waits, muttering the first words of his own half already."
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