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Legends of Tamriel


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With a flash, the Field collapses. "There you are, my dear now... what! DAWNGUARD BASTARDS!!" Cyrus says, noticing the display for Auriel's Bow was empty. "Must have been one of my former Castle Mages.. Damn it! I would have Blacked the sun for you! But take your drink, my end of the bargain is upheld."
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Selene smiled as she reached in for the Bloodstone Chalice, it's red spring like a whirlpool, bubbling up from the center of the large cup, and flowing around, Selene eyed it with wonder, and she held it in her hands "Beautiful..." Then, upon hearing Cyrus's words, she spun around with inhuman speed and said "Auriels bow? You had Auriels bow? And you kept it locked away down here?! I doubt it has been stolen. It has probably left of it's own accord, as all elder artifacts do.... if not the dawnguard will have it... And they will have it locked away so tightly. What i know of the prophesy is that it was found in Auriels old temple... but then the dawnguard obtained it, killed harkon with it, and then the dragonborn continued in it's use... And now.. you found it... that is not the matter at hand though... it will have to be addressed some other time.


Selene then addressed what Cyrus had said last "Yes... that you have. But i am not going to stay to my end just yet... once i have done what i need with the challice, then i shall give you my heart. Come, there is an old abandoned house in Markarth correct?"

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Rorik walked out into the furious blizzard, the wind whipping and stinging his face as the deep snow crunched beneath his boots. He stood in front of the great arch way that guarded the path up the rest of the mountain. His thick cloak billowed around him in the furious wind and his dark hair fluttered about his face in the harsh climate. Arngeir pushed open the door and leaned heavily upon it, regaining his breath, before he trudged out into the snow after Rorik.


"No one but a master of the way of the voice shall reach the peak of the Throat of the World. You shall not see him and defile our sacred mountain!" His voice was nearly lost in the brutal winds.


Rorik turned with a look that seemed a mixture of disgust and pity for the Greybeard. He turned back and the dragon souls within him once again boomed out with his own voice, "Lok Vah-Koor!" The ground trembled briefly and the winds swirled even more violently for a few brief seconds as they seemed to battle each other and then suddenly-the snow stopped falling and all was calm. Rorik looked back towards Arngeir, "What beings should know of the voice better than the dragons themselves Argneir? I know the way. Ask yourself: do you?" Rorik turned back and began the final steps of the journey to the top of the Throat of the World.


At last Rorik reached the summit and he beheld the most breathtaking views of Skyrim that anyone but the dragons could ever hope to witness. Across the relatively flat portion of the summit was a crumbling word wall and a dragon of clearly ancient origins. He had several broken horns and many tears about his wings, his scales had faded into almost complete and total bleaching. Parthurnax. The wizened old dragon was eyeing him intently, curiously. As he approached he greeted him in the dragon tongue, "Greetings Parthurnax, I am Rorik Wind-Bane." Rorik refrained from the custom of listing his laurels and deeds as that was common when challenging dragons rather than merely conversing with them.


Parthurnax replied in primarily Cyrodiilic but interlaced some draconian phrases, "You are dragonborn, dovahkiin, yet you are not like the dovahkiin Kriid-Alduin. What brings you to this mountain? Why do you seek a 'grind,' meeting, with a dyeing dov?"


"I seek to learn ancient one. You are wiser than I and have lived for longer than I. You were not gone for all these years like those that fly with my Sil. I would learn of what has happened in these years so that I may know what to do." Rorik began...

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Selene looked back at Cyrus, and said in a slightly dark tone "You have already answered part of that question yourself." She walked briskly back up the steps, and out of the Treasury, summoning Arvak once again.




Iodiria looked at the dragon and said "I am sure i can make it."

Edited by mythicdawnmaster
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Selene looked back at Cyrus, and said in a slightly dark tone "You have already answered part of that question yourself." She walked briskly back up the steps, and out of the Treasury, summoning Arvak once again.




Iodiria looked at the dragon and said "I am sure i can make it."


"I will tell the Draugr to let you pass, they still obey me... but you still haven't told me what this artifact is" VulViingKonahrik said "What is the artifact?"

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Cyrus rushes out after Selene, and summons Voltair, waiving a hand also at the disc to lock the stairs, and hide them. "The Altar of Molag Bal is not to be used! The last person who tried, well, lets just say the mess was difficult to clean! What makes you think you won't end up the same way?" Cyrus says, his eyes flashing.
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"Because i know exactly how to use it!" Selene snapped back, tired of people thinking her incapable of doing anything.




Iodiria looked at VulViingKonahrik, and said "It is a crystaline staff, stolen from the Thalmor while transporting it... the cur in that bloody rotting shack stole it, and hid it. In said stronghold."

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"Don't take that tone with me! It took years to track that cup! Whatever you are planning, I will be there for. After all, there is only one person in the city who has communicated successfully with Molag Bal, and that is myself. He told me where to look for the cup! Every time it moved, I would report back, and he would tell me where it had moved to. Said he had plans, for me, and a woman of Royal Blood. You are of Royal Blood, and I am the one who obeyed him, slaughtered hundreds to get what he would ask. Lets do this!" Cyrus mounts up, and whispering "Home" to Voltair, he took off, straight towards Markarth.
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