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"Threaten? Do you know magic at all? Had I threatened you, I would have done something like this!" Frost pours off Cyrus's hands, and he moves into a stance, prepared to fire and Icy Spear. "This is threatening to impale you, *magic changes to electricity* to shoot you with a thunderbolt, *Fire* or to hit you with a fire ball. This magic *hands surround with black nimbus* is similar to what I did at the vault, had you paid attention! I treat those with respect who treat me with respect. Realize this." He points his hand at a rock slide, and it turns into black smoke, and vanishes, revealing a house that was beaten up and crumbling. "This conceals the house built over top of the entrance to the shrine. Now, to the room in which the entrance to the old house containing the shrine is." He points at the door, and the door slams open. A guard rushes up. "Sire, you ordered that house not to be entered!" Cyrus points at the guard, who rushes off. "Shall we?"
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Selene nodded to Cyrus, and walked with him, as they entered the house, and walked down to the area where the shrine of Molag Bal was situated, The Daedra lord spoke, as they entered the vicinity of the Shrine.


Ah, The Mortal champion, and the Royal lesser vampire... i sensed an audience was wished... Cyrus.. was your name last i checked, You were to be... rewarded.

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Cyrus presses his fist against his chest, and, getting on one knee, he bows to the altar. "Yes, Lord Molag-Bal! I have done all you have asked! I slaughtered hundreds to get the Chalice, and prime it for this day, I murdered my own brothers to take the throne! I have kept this city terrified of me for years! I made sure the one of Royal Blood was brought to my city as soon as possible, but did not know she would already be a lesser vampire. I did what you requested, to the letter, and then some. You promised me a reward, My Lord."
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Bal laughed loudly and said Yes, mortal you have, and all of those souls have proved to be wonderful playthings... You are a useful pawn, tiny mortal, and as such you shall be rewarded... With My Staff... may it decimate your foes, and cripple them beyond compare, as there every ounce of power is sapped away... Now, i believe the Royal requires her own Audience. As he said this the Staff appeared in a swirl of red light, floating before Cyrus.


Selene smiled and bowed before the altar.

Edited by mythicdawnmaster
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Cyrus grins the happy grin of a Tyrant with a new play toy, and grabs the staff out of the air. The thing was heavy, with a handle made of a combination of black metal and a really dark wood. The bottom of the staff had a barbed and bladed tip, in case he had to bash someone with it, and it acted like a counterweight, as the head was a large, snarling visage of Molag Bal, with Ruby eyes, and an open mouth. Knowing Molag, it would not need recharging, as he did not see the notches he saw on most staves to insert soul gems. He bows gracefully, and exits. "Thank you my lord. I will put this to good use. Selene, good luck!" He smiles a smile of evil pleasure, and retreats to the upper house, close enough to hear if she screamed, but far enough so he would not hear Molag, an accepted compromise when others demanded audiences.
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Selene offered the waters of the Chalice into the Alter of Molag Bal, and she said "My Lord... i give myself to you, through pact, through blood, and through worship... i seek the path of a Daughter of Coldharbour... to start a line of night creatures, to live in your honour... allow me to feel your power my lord, and give myself fully to you.


From the Altar, the form of Molag Bal appeared, less fearsome than in his statues, still with a large thrashing tail, and clawed hands, but a more human body. "So you wish to continue on my bloodline? to have power over the night?... Very well, i can see much withing you... and your terms are accepted... now you will give yourself to me, and i shall give myself... to you." He said, walking closer in his naked form, undressing the Vampiress before him... and beggining the 'Ritual'...


After many hours of Pleasure, and the Daedric prince had sated his sexual desires, finding Selene to be very fitting to be a daughter of Colharbour, he entered her one final time, as he bit deep into her throat, draining the blood that ran through her Veins, and putting into it his own, giving her a portion of his power. "Rest now... my sweet... and awaken a new being." He withdrew, and set her in a coffin at the other end of the room, clothing her, and then vanished, back to his plain.

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Cyrus could hear the noises, and realized what the ritual of Cold Harbor was.He sighed, and waited til the noises stopped, and went down into the room with the altar. He saw the Chalice on the floor, and saw a coffin in the corner, He opened it, and sees the naked sleeping form of the Lady Selene, He stares at her for a while, contemplating touching her, and decides not to, He closes the coffin, and seals it with a spell. He calls guards, and orders the coffin brought to his chambers in the underkeep. An assassin tries to kill him on the way, but Cyrus slashes with the end of the staff, and then points the head towards the assassin. A red beam of light blasts out of the head of Molag on the end, and the man melts into a puddle of red goo, and Cyrus himself feels power seeping into himself. He smiles. He knows he will like this. Entering the Underkeep, he strides to the throne, and, after hearing the coffin has been left in his room, he waves a hand unsealing it. Selene would want out at some point.. He orders his blacksmith to make a stand to hold the staff while he sat on the throne, and relaxed, waiting for Selene to wake. Sara walks in, blushing and starts to say something, but he once again silences her with a kiss, this time pulling her closer and caressing her gently. He had time, and was going to show Sara what she meant to him.
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VulViingKonahrik landed at Kein Kiir he looked at the door "AAR!" he shouted, and all the draugr inside climbed out of their caskets and crowded the exit, bowing before the dragon "Alok!" VulViingKonahrik ordered, and the Draugr stood. "Gein Fahliil Meyz , Dreh Ni Ahraan Ek Nau Dez Do Dinok (Literally "One elf come, do not wound her on fate of death" in plain english "One elf comes, do not harm her on pain of death") The Draugr nodded and bowed again

"Geh Drog (yes lord)"

"Alok, Praan (Arise, rest)" VulViingKonahrik ordered, and the draugr went back to their caskets, pulled the lids back on and went back to their slumber

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Selene rested for a good many hours, as the changes took place, as her body adapted to the new blood in her Veins.




Iodiria finally arrrived at the Ruin, she dismounted her horse, and drew trueflame, it's light more than enough to guide her way through the halls of the tomb fortress.

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Selene rested for a good many hours, as the changes took place, as her body adapted to the new blood in her Veins.




Iodiria finally arrrived at the Ruin, she dismounted her horse, and drew trueflame, it's light more than enough to guide her way through the halls of the tomb fortress.


VulViingKonahrik looked at her "Find what you need, but do not touch the other treasures, no matter how great or small they may be, I can not stop the Draugr defending what is theirs" the dragon said

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