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Sara blushes, and press him away slightly, "S-sire? W-what changed your mind? I tried to love you a month ago, yet you rejected me!"


Cyrus looks at her, a smile playing on his lips, and lust in his eyes. "My dear, I was in the worst frames of mind a month ago, as you well knew. That was the reason you chose that time to make your move, remember? I am in a fantastic mood, and I want to show you how much I appreciate you and all you have done since you came here. He kisses her again, and this time she does not resist, but plunges her heart and soul into it. She gives herself to him, body, mind and soul, several times, the throne room being sealed off and hidden by Cyrus's magic, and he entered her again and again. Finally, his lust sated, he dresses himself with his magic. She cuddles up, clothed again, incredibly happy, and tired, on his lap, head resting on his neck. "Thank you my lord." She whispers, and falls asleep.

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Selene burst from the coffin with a bolt of blood Magic, her form twisted in that of a pureblooded Vampire Lady, her wings large and full, her claws sharp and venomous, atop her head rested a crown of gold, and ruby, and her breastplate and skirt of the same material, she then used her power to revert back to her human form.


She stood, gazing at herself in the water of a basin, the iris of he eyes were now a glowing yellow, but otherwise she was unchanged. She dressed in an ornate black dress, with a high collar, and a pair of large black heels.


She walked towards the throne room, power literally radiating from her, and then she heard the pleasured moans of the steward, and the satisfied groans of Cyrus... then they stopped. Selene broke down the ward protecting the door, and pulled it ajar with her newfound magic, her eyes were enraged at what she saw, she shouted angrilly "You Liar! My heart was your wish?! No! You give in to your desires with that thing! A filthy mortal halfbreed!"




Iodiria nodded, and continued on through the tomb, heeding what the draconic lord had said.

Edited by mythicdawnmaster
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"Filthy mortal half breed?" Cyrus asks, calmly, as Sara sleeps on. "She has treated me with more respect and care than you have, I have known her longer, and she is a full bred Wood Elf. As for your heart, I do want it. Love and lust are not the same. Now, unless you have anything else to say, I suggest you use the basement torture chamber to test your new powers."
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Selene's rage did not subside, instead she become far more angry "How dare you!!" She screamed, rage visible "That, filthy disgusting creature over me?! Fine. You have cast the die, so you sleep with that filth! I shall not be the one to love you, while you lust away with your little Bosmer!" She held a ball of potent blood magic in her hands, about to launch it at the sleeping elf, but instead, she spun around, and marched out of the room.
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Cyrus sees Selene kill his guard, and, gently cradling Sara, and setting her in her chair to rest, he sweeps off. He points his hand at the fallen guard, who gets disintegrated, and he strides angrily and purposefully down to the torture chambers, where he finds Selene taking her frustration out on spies and other people. "I hope you realize this is just as much your fault, you know, You cannot tease, and lead a man around by his.. you know, and expect him not to want to, you know, release himself! With you out of commission, I had to seek, how shall I put this, Other means to release myself. I read the Vampire transformation takes about a day, you are probably not properly balanced yet."
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Selene turned to Cyrus and said "It works with any other man... i usually have them breaking into sweats whenever i look at them by now and they don't seek other women, and that was before i became a vampire... i lost my purity to a daedric lord... certainly something to be proud of." She said the last part sarcastically. "Fine, i will just have to understand that your staff takes far less to charge it than that of other men's... i do hope that if you truly wish to be with me, that you shall not be so... loving with Sara. Use her as you would a slave, not a lover. And i shall have no problems with you dipping your rod into other waters... as long as you clean it afterwards, i don't want the feel of a filthy mortal." Selene said, and kissed Cyrus, walking back up the stairs, and expecting him to follow.
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Cyrus follows Selene up the stairs, interested if he would finally have her. "Is that so, my dear? And how many men have you done this to?" He walks up the stairs to his bedroom, and goes to the joined on private washing area to wash himself. "If you would like to join me, I can help you wash that.. taint out of you. I don't want to be... Dipping my staff, as you put it, and feel a demon." He smiles, and fully unclothed and slightly damp, he pulls Selene to him and kisses her. "When you are ready, of course."
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